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12 Thursday Tips Tricks and Thoughts

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Interesting Finds this week for # 12 Thursday Tips Tricks and Thoughts!

How To Deal with Negative Social Media Comments

I found a very informative thread in another group today and wish to share it with you.

Social media is part of life these days. You have to find a way to deal with both the good and the bad. Please visit this post on Negative Social Media comments by Tracie Fobes.

Facebook Groups

Blogging Courses Resources – Blog Traffic & Affiliates

I have decided to archive this group and only concentrate and build out the Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers: Blog Traffic & Affiliates group. Please read the note I left on this group!


Hi there all BCR’s

I know that you all have only recently joined this group, but I would love to invite you all, (if not already members of Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers: Blog Traffic & Affiliates) to come and join us there.

I am going to consolidate the two groups (and revamp SIPB), and hope that you all will join us there as we have lots and lots of new things in store for you at SIPB.

I will archive this group at the end of July and we will concentrate all our efforts on ONE group, SIPB.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to let me know. You can DM me or leave a comment here and I will get back to you asap.

Please leave a comment on this post that you have read this and if not a SIPB member as yet, please hop over there asap

Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers: Blog Traffic & Affiliates

Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers: Blog Traffic & Affiliates

With this in mind, I have shared the following post today and will continue with this for all existing SIPB members, but if you have not joined us as yet, we would love to have you onboard and join us, please do so and then also complete the form.

Dear SIPB members (all 379 of you).

In the coming weeks, I will be tagging you all in a series of posts and respectfully ask that each of you complete the attached online form.

You have 7 days from the post being published and you are being tagged, to complete the form and give me your honest input.

I will track all responses and input and use it to grow this group with your support and help. We truly wish that every member remains in the group to see what we have in store as we go forward and revamp the group. If you do not wish to remain in the group just do not fill out the form. You are welcome back at any time.

I wish to help all Entrepreneurs | Innovators | Bloggers & Home Chefs to grow, but we need you as members to let me know if you wish to remain part of this group, and then above all, you need to remain active and participate with comments, posts, questions, etc. in this group.

Click on the below link and complete and at the end of the form, you will be able to submit and rest assured that all your answers will remain private, as I am the only one to see it and I promise not the divulge any information to any of the other members. Please complete this form as detailed as possible as this will be a huge help to serve you Entrepreneurs | Innovators | Bloggers & Home Chefs to grow.

Highlighting a fellow blogger!

Niki @ Life as an LEO wife

Check out this post as Niki also created some Printables for you, but you will have to visit her post below to get the free summer camp packing checklist!

If I still had kiddos at home, I would for sure have downloaded these immediately, but I think I may still do it and share it with our daughter and son as they have kiddos and it will be very useful to them.

You will not only find this free summer camp packing checklist but set yourself up with a cuppa tea or coffee and something to snack on while you visit Niki’s blog.

What’s new this week in the blogging camp?


If you’re a website or a blog owner trying to get more traffic, KEEP READING.

Between declining reach on social, increased competition, and rising advertising costs, marketing your business can feel like you’re fighting a losing battle.

Never fear! Pinterest is here!

If you use Tailwind, you may be interested to know how to Grow Your Website Traffic with Pinterest! Download it here.


There’s some info in the color guide about color psychology and terminology but here are some quick-win type tips:

  • Contrast is really important for readability- this means that the background color and text color are as opposite as possible: if it’s a dark background, the text should be very light and vice versa
  • Try to keep the number of colors included in the design to no more than 3. The color scheme doesn’t necessarily need to be the same every time but keeping the number of colors used to a minimum is better for usability
  • Keep “printability” in mind- colors take a lot of ink but you also want to avoid your design being TOO plain. White space with pops of color will be best for those looking for printer-friendly designs.

Forever and ever undated Content Planner

I did mention the Content planner in this post!

Make sure you do make use of this offer, as it will be gone soon and then only available at a higher price, so why pay more if you can get this now?

Once you have your planner and are ready to get more organized with your blogging business, try the following awesome tip as it will make using it simpler. Find the forms you will use again and again, such as the blog post checklist, newsletter planner, and daily blogging checklist.
Print one copy and take them to your local UPS or office supply store and get them laminated! Pick up some dry erase markers and use those to fill it out. Then, when you are done with the post or the week, wipe it clean and start over. You’ve saved paper and ink – making life easier.
If you know you need multiple copies of the blog post checklist at a time, make a few and get them all laminated.

PS: Do not forget to visit our Featured blogger, Niki @ Life as an LEO wife and the other features items.

Please take a moment and provide me with some feedback as I would love to make this as beneficial to you all as possible, and the only way would be if I hear from you and get your input and feedback, so please talk to me. Thank you

  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

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