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2 Thursday Tips Tricks and Thoughts

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Please note that EsmeSalon may have a financial relationship with some of the vendors we mention in this post which means we may get compensated financially or in kind, at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase through any link in this post. Please refer to our Affiliate Disclosure and Privacy Policy should you require any additional information.

2 Thursday Tips Tricks and Thoughts

If you have any questions or would like to hear about anything, in particular, a blogging-related issue or something similar, please leave a comment on this post, or if you prefer feel free to send me an email Esme regarding Thursday Tips Tricks and Thoughts!

I am chomping at the bit to hear and to connect with you in the comments or via email as this is all about YOU.

BC Stack 2021 Kickoff

I did mention this last week but wish to let you know that I managed to get an extension so you can still let me know if you’re interested to promote the BC Stack for only $39.00 USD.

Did I mention before that you will be able to get all 65 never-before-released BC Stack products (and get early access to it and also make some extra $ by promoting it to your own followers and on Social Media)?

All you need to do would be to send me your name and email address at your earliest convenience, and I will pass it over to the organizers and they will get in touch with you with the rest of the details.

BC Stack will be launched on June 13th – 19th so if you’re interested to become an affiliate let me know asap. by leaving me a note here or via Esme with Subject Line: BC Stack 2021 participant.

  • Dates June 13th – 19th
  • 65 Digital marketing products: courses, classes, tickets, software, books
  • Sales 10,000 expected
  • Price $39
  • $21,000 in bonus cash for affiliates

Mockup Shots

This is an incredible awesome deal that I stumbled on and YES I am using this and you will see some of my work with these Mockups. You can access this and also get lifetime access for one small investment to work your magic with a 60% lower than normal.

You can use the mockups on FB, Twitter, Pinterest, in your newsletter, and in lots of other places, in fact wherever you wish to have an awesome and outstanding image to promote your work.

This is so much fun and you can even create videos and .gif mockups. You also have the ability to create your cover, then search by a specific topic (235 at present) for a design you like. This is so much fun to use and so professionally done. Do not miss out on this awesome opportunity.

The above purple button will direct you to Mockup Shots to grab your lifetime access for $???

Wait for it …

Yes, it’s only $80.00 USD for unlimited lifetime access (at the time of this publication).

Need something special for the upcoming Mother’s day?

Click on the purple link directly below the image or on the following link: Family Favorite Recipes and you will be able to snag this awesome deal and surprise your Mom or Mom-in-Law with a digital cookbook full of homemade tried and tested family favorite recipes. You need not wait for the mailman to deliver it, as you will receive it directly in your email inbox.

I created the above image (.gif) with Mockup Shots. One of many I have designed over the past week or so, and I am very happy with the service and designs. You can even request special designs if they do not have what you’re looking for, and yes, I have put in my request for more specific Pinterest 1000 x 1500 px designs, so I will keep you posted once they get back to me on it.

Blogging tips

What has happened this past month or quarter that has helped you to grow and for what you are thankful for?

What has happened this past month or quarter that has helped you to grow and for what you are thankful for?

Social Media


It’s important to make sure that your Instagram Handle, name, bio, and that one and only link you’re allowed and can share totally hollers and shout out to the world, what your profile is all about, what you do, what you want your followers to know about your business and above all what you want them to do when they get to your account.

  • Your profile picture must be on point and in a split second show your viewer your brand.
  • Your IG Handle and Name should also continue to introduce and show off your brand.
  • Last but not least, your Bio and Link must equally push and stress your brand.

Highlighting a fellow blogger!

Clive Pilcher

Today, I wish to thank Clive Pilcher from Retired, not expired: words from the after (work)life. And music. Lots of music! for his loyal support and always sharing, reading, and commenting on posts via our Monday SeniorSalon series. You will always find Clive in the mix, and we have lately seen him in the top 3 and top 10 many a time. Congratulations and Thank you, Clive.

I share with you his latest post on his blog: Listen To The Band: The Monkees

PS: Do not forget to email me your name and email address for BC Stack, you will not regret it!

Please take a moment and provide me with some feedback as I would love to make this as beneficial to you all as possible, and the only way would be if I hear from you and get your input and feedback, so please talk to me. Thank you

  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com ">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog. You will also find Resources and Courses and Services for Bloggers which I promote from time to time.

2 thoughts on “2 Thursday Tips Tricks and Thoughts”

  1. Hi Esmé. Thank you so much for featuring me in this post, it’s really kind of you. If anyone does feel like dropping in on my blog, you’ll be very welcome!

    And thank you for all you do with the Senior Salon and the Facebook group – I’m sure I’m not alone in saying how much we appreciate your hard work on our behalf.

    • Dear Clive, Thank you so much for your kind note of appreciation. This truly makes what I do so worthwhile and I am glad if it does help any blogger in some small way as i do this for blogging and not for me. You’re all awesome and so worthy. Thanks for being part of my tribe.


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