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3 Thursday Tips Tricks and Thoughts

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Our next installment: 3 Thursday Tips Tricks and Thoughts

If you have any questions or would like to hear about anything, in particular, a blogging-related issue or something similar, please leave a comment on this post, or if you prefer feel free to send me an email to es*******@sh**.ca“>Esme regarding Thursday Tips Tricks and Thoughts!

Mother’s Day Special

Mother’s day is the perfect time to stop and show appreciation for the mothers in your life. Whoever and wherever they are. Whether you’ll be spending the day with your mum in person, catching up virtually, or just stopping to think about a mother figure in your life, please take the time to tell them how much they mean to you! There is no better time, than NOW, so do it and do not postpone or wait for another opportunity! Every moment we have with them is precious and we need to treasure it!

This Mother’s Day, take a moment to show your appreciation for every kinda mum and surprise her with a copy of one or more of these awesome homemade tried and tested Recipe eBooks.

Mother's Day Special Green Banner


Not sure if you know but Canva is an awesome platform to create all your images for your blog and other social media. I have been using Canva for nearly 2 years and on the Pro version for more than a year. To me, it is the best thing since sliced bread.

Canva is a graphic design platform, used to create social media graphics, presentations, posters, documents, and other visual content. The app includes templates for users to use. The platform is free to use and offers paid subscriptions like Canva Pro and Canva for Enterprise for additional functionality.

Together with this, I will highly suggest that you also look into The Complete Bloggers Template Toolkit as this will help you with navigating Canva, and you also receive TONS of templates for Canva to download and use immediately.

I recently purchased The Complete Bloggers Template Toolkit and have not been able to work through a quarter of the templates, but I am totally wowed by the incredible templates and the huge variety. I have used them already, and just love to work with them.

As an example, I leave you with this image I created by using one of the 100’s templates (Newsletter Header Image). In this one, we used a ‘grid’ and an ‘overlay’ to soften the original image. Please do not miss out on this course or the Canva offers.

Tips for graphic design that ANYONE can do!

5 worst mistakes bloggers make when trying to design

  • Bad design.
  • Spending way too long designing a pin.
  • Not understanding where to invest
  • Inconsistency with branding.
  • They don’t understand the importance of an opt-in.

Posts to check out and which you might like

You may wish to look at the following Complete Bloggers Template Toolkit from Kara! I have purchased it and can attest to the awesome value and benefit I have already gained from working with it.

Highlighting a fellow blogger!

Kim Davis Berry

You may have read in our Monday SeniorSalon Post that our co-host for the past year or so, Kim has now stepped down due to other commitments.

Headshot of Kim Berry

I wish to take this opportunity to again thank her for her loyal and tremendous support over the past year and her contributions to Senior Salon.

We all will dearly miss Kim, but as you can see you can still stay in touch with her via all the following Social Media Outlets: Etsy Shop, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.

Just to show you what awesome stuff Kim creates! This is only one of her very latest creations! Please support Kim, and check her out on S.M

PS: Do not forget to take a look at Complete Bloggers Template Toolkit!

Please take a moment and provide me with some feedback as I would love to make this as beneficial to you all as possible, and the only way would be if I hear from you and get your input and feedback, so please talk to me. Thank you

  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

4 thoughts on “3 Thursday Tips Tricks and Thoughts”

  1. Esme thank you for these tips. I need to spend a little more quality time updating my blog, and you have given us all some consumer tested(you being the consumer!) trustworthy tips that can help us navigate the huge volume of information out there. Best and blessings, Michele

    • Hi Michele, WOW, thank you so much for your kind words and that you feel these tips are what you need. If you ever need any information, do not hesitate to check in and ask me anything. I DO NOT know everything but try to gather as much valuable information as possible. If you ever look for more information please visit my Resources page ( as you will find tons of stuff there and hopefully something will appeal and be of benefit as well. Take care and all the best with the updating of your blog.

  2. Thank you for the blogging tips, Esme. I am going to check out Canva. My blog photos could use a little sprucing up. Well…a lot of sprucing up, actually! 🙂

    • I am truly enjoying this platform and I sincerely recommend it to anyone. Thanks for using my link (at no cost to you) but it will help me a lot. I am working on updating my resources page as I have some other options for images! Let me know if you need more and then I can add some for next week or send it over to you if you wish.


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