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7 Thursday Tips Tricks and Thoughts

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Interesting Finds this week for # 7 Thursday Tips Tricks and Thoughts!

Exciting News!

Read the full story at the end of this post AND please come and join us on Facebook!

Canva 2.0 Quick Start (Free)

Kara designed this FREE course to give you an overview of some of the things you can do to get started in Canva. 

Free Design Library (100+ free design resources from Simplifying DIY Design)

You can sign up for an easier and faster way to design awesome blog graphics

Free Design Library

Today I want to share with you the 5 worst mistakes bloggers make when trying to design (+ how to fix them). 👍

Mistake #1: Bad design

Obvious, right? Ok.. let me give you a specific example: cheaping out on stock photos and trying to take your own.

Mistake #2: Spending way too long designing a pin.

Or spending too long designing anything really. I can’t believe how many people have told me that it took them close to an hour to design ONE PIN!

Mistake #3: Not understanding where to invest

This goes for blogging and for design. I know plenty of bloggers who spend a ton of money buying course after course (and not finishing them). I know plenty of bloggers that say they can’t afford design services or templates, that they can’t afford ads or this, and that BUT– can they really?

Mistake #4: Inconsistency with branding.

I used different fonts, and I used different colors, and I spent way too much time changing the colors on my WordPress theme and it got me nowhere.

How can anyone recognize me or my brand if I keep changing it? If people don’t recognize me, it’s going to be 10x harder to build trust with my audience which, of course, means that growing a blog is going to be a struggle.

Mistake #5: They don’t understand the importance of an opt-in

Opt-ins (also referred to as freebies, lead magnets, printables, etc) is one part of blogging that I seriously struggled with. Not the design part, but determining what to create, and figuring out what my reader even wanted. I spent a lot of time with my first blog fighting the 5-subscriber-a-day fight (the sad part being that this was a blog getting 40k pageviews per day!).

A GOOD opt-in that your reader actually needs, along with a professional design that grabs attention and attracts your reader is going to be your formula for success when it comes to list building.

You may need to review, read and take note of the following, as I am sure this will be of huge help

3 Ways You Need To Be Using Templates To Grow Your Blog

How to Edit Templates To Be Unique To Your Brand

Highlighting a fellow blogger!

Amy from A Day of Small Things …

In Amy’s own words on her About Page: I am a busy mom and Navy wife who is blessed to live in the beautiful town of Annapolis, a town many profess to be their most favorite in the world. In between loads of laundry, a part-time job, and enjoying the antics of a busy Kindergartener, I enjoy baking comfort food, putting outfits together on a dime, and discovering the perfect junk to decorate my home…come join me on my adventure.

You can follow Amy on Pinterest

New Blogging Facebook Group

Blogging Courses Resources – Blog Traffic & Affiliates

We welcome and encourage you to ask all those unanswered questions or niggly stuff you need clarification on. We wish this to be an open forum for Q & A’s.

If you do not ask, none of us will know that you do not know and then we will not know that you do not know, and we will not be able to help you! This is all about helping YOU!

There is so much to learn regarding blogging, day in and day out, as you wear so many different hats simultaneously, so please ask, and let us help one another.

PS: Do not forget to come and join us on Facebook at Blogging Courses Resources – Blog Traffic & Affiliates

Please take a moment and provide me with some feedback as I would love to make this as beneficial to you all as possible, and the only way would be if I hear from you and get your input and feedback, so please talk to me. Thank you

  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog. You will also find Resources and Courses and Services for Bloggers which I promote from time to time.

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