I received questions regarding An Easy FLIPBOARD guide for bloggers, from my Facebook SIPB members, so this is how I went about it.
Flipboard, Pinterest, and in a way Mix to me are all of similar nature. They have minor differences, but let’s look at Flipboard for now.
To get started, you have to download the correct free Flipboard app!
Now that you have set up your app, I would suggest that you start with the following
Decide on an appropriate username, that will resonate with your readers and followers.
Be sure that it is sensible and easy for them to recognize you and your blog. I used my blog name for continuity and I also used the same profile picture. In fact, all my social media platforms have the same profile picture.
EsmeSalon profile board
The next step would be to create your own magazines
To add a new magazine
Click on the “create magazine” and fill out the prompts
Update the cover
Delete this test magazine
Go to settings and then delete the magazine
Find stories to flip
That done, then you need to source and start finding posts to flip into your newly created magazine by clicking on the + button.
Flip content from your Web browser into your magazine using the bookmarklet. Flipboard’s bookmarklet adds to your magazine-making toolbox.
Watch on YouTube Introducing Flipboard for the Web
To find interesting articles to flip, be sure to utilize the Flipboard search function. Type any word, phrase, or hashtag into the search box for relevant articles and then flip those into your newly created magazines
Use an attractive cover
As Flipboard will by default use the most recent photo from an article that you flipped for the cover, so it will change as you flip new stories into each magazine.
A very useful post to read published by Janice Wald, at Mostly Blogging: How to Get Traffic From Flipboard
Add a button to your website
This will help your visitors find and follow you on Flipboard.
- How to add a browser button
- Use the Chrome extension
- How To Add A Flipboard Sharing Button To Your #WordPress Blog published by Hugh’s Views and News
- Should you need more blogging tips, please check out as Hugh does have Lots of great tips about blogging
How to add the SIPB Facebook Badge to your blog
All about our Blog & Inspire
A great user guide!
Thank you so much John, appreciate your input
Hi Esmé,
Thank you so much for linking to my Flipboard article. I’m touched you thought of me when you made this post.
Janice, you have so many awesome and helpful posts, and I am for sure a rooky especially with these type of posts, so I am glad when I can enrich a post with linking to a guru like you.
Stacy, Thanks again for the ping and mention in your post. What an honor to be among all the others listed.
Thanks ever so much for linking to my Flipboard blog post, and for your kind words about my blog, Esmé.
Best wishes,
Hugh, I look up to you as a mentor, so love to link to your posts whenever possible.
Great informative article Esme!
Thank you so much Ritu. I am not a guru but hope this will help at least one person in the SIPB group as that’s why I did the post
HI Rachel – Thank you, just save it to your Pinterest board, then you have it for easy reference.
Really helpful I am going to pint his for future reference!