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Asian Style Pork Ribs

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Asian Style Pork Ribs, The meat was so moist and tender it fell off the bone

This is by far the best recipe I have eaten so far for ribs. I nearly didn’t eat them as I am not a fan of chewing on a rib, however, the meat on these was so moist and soft it just fell off the bone. We cooked it as one whole piece rather than cut the ribs into portions.


A 2-kilo piece of Pork Rib.

For the marinade

160 ml Hoisin sauce
4 tbsp BLACK Soy sauce
2 tbsp fresh orange juice and the grated zest.
4 tbsp raw brown sugar
10cm piece of fresh ginger julienned
4 cloves of garlic crushed
2 tsp Chinese 5 spice powder
2 sticks of cinnamon
4-star anise

Asian Style Pork Ribs with Hoisin sauce


Mix all of the above ingredients together.
Then paint over the rack of ribs and put in the fridge for at least an hour to marinate and absorb all those lovely flavors.
Pre-heat oven to 190 degrees.
Cover the dish with foil and cook the ribs for 2 ½ to 3 hrs, basting the meat occasionally.
When nice and tender remove from the oven and portion up and those lovely leftover juices from the pan we drizzled over the ribs and served them with a mixed salad, potato salad, and beetroot.
A finger bowl and serviettes were required as they made for quite a messy eating but very enjoyable and we would definitely make them again.

Prepared, tried, and tested Carol Taylor

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I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

24 thoughts on “Asian Style Pork Ribs”

  1. I would like to add an apology as there is a slight error in the recipe…One Word… I use Black Soy NOT regular soy they will not be the same and I made them following MY recipe and being questioned at the time and I was wrong…I got it wrong.. and made them using regular soy and as soon as I had added I realised it was wrong…I boobed. So sorry but it black soy you need to use 🙂

  2. Reblogged this on Retired? No one told me! and commented:

    If you love ribs …You will love these…They are best ribs we have made ever and I am not a fan of ribs but loved these 🙂


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