Please meet Judy and read all about her as she put it: The Blogger, Rhymester and Poet. Looking at life in all it’s glory, and putting my own spin on it, with just a dash of humour thrown in!
Thanks so much to Esmé for inviting me to guest post on her blog. I am thrilled and delighted to be here.
My name is Judy, and I blog over at Edwina’s Episodes which is an eclectic mix of rhymes, haiku, anecdotes and observations. I enjoy writing about a range of everyday topics that many of us can relate to. You know the type of thing when you have had the kind of day where you wished you had just stayed in bed, or perhaps you want to moan about the weather when the rain lashes down just after you have cleaned the car and watered the garden.
Life throws many little niggles our way which can sometimes get us down, but I have found that for me at least, writing a little rhyme about it and seeing the funny side of an awkward situation can sometimes take some of the sting out of it. It then enables me to put it behind me and move along.
A little humour can go a long way in making us feel better about things that might have made us anxious or worried before, and as well as love, laughter makes my world go around.
For those that are not familiar with me, here is a little taster of what my blog is about.
My blog is a bit of a mixture
As I am sure you would no doubt agree
I write about things I find funny
Or stuff that’s important to me
Whether it be food, friends or family
Or my desire to qualify as a nurse
I find that I express myself better
If I can craft it into a verse.
I cover all manner of topics
From housework to Roxy, my dog
And you would be made most welcome
Should you come and visit my blog.
Follow her Edwina via the following Social Media links:
Blogger at Edwina’s Episodes
Author of Rhymes of the Times

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- Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
- Just believe in yourself and dream big.
- Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.

Nice to meet you, Judy. I have shared your post on Twitter and Google+.
Best wishes, Pete.
Hi Pete. Thanks so much, it is nice to meet you too 😊
Thank you for sharing Pete – It’s awesome. Your will be next in line
I enjoyed reading his post 🙂
Awesome post – just love all the different Guest posts that’s coming in. 🙂
Yes, they are all so different too 🙂
This venture turned out way way better than I anticipated. Whoop whoop ♥ it
I am pleased for you Esme, and enjoying it too 🙂
♥ ♥
How fun to see Judy over here, Esme. She’s a wonderful poet who has a great way of making me smile (or laugh!). <3
Thanks so much for your kind words, Diana. It makes me happy to know that I make you smile 🙂
Just love it – so glad and honored to have her G…uest posting
Thanks to you both 💖💖
♥ ♥
Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.
Thanks so much 🙂
My Pleasure, and thank you. 😎🤗☺️🌹👌
Awesome! Judy, you are truly a tasty-treat for the soul! 🙂
I love that! Thanks Annette 🙂
Annette, what do you think, would you like to G…uest Post with us?
What fun to see Judy over here with a lovely new humorous poem. A super picture of Judy too. Shared on twitter.
Thank you so much, Robbie. 🙂
Hi Robbie – How about you, would like to also do a G…uest Post ??? Please let me know as I would be happy to have you on board as well.
A perfect Judy post!!!!
Just love Judy’s contribution – you’re all such awesome blogger friends to share your stories here. ♥ ♥
And you are awesome for having us here, Esme. Thank you so much 🙂 💖💖
It’s my delight and absolute pleasure to share your stories, your blogs as Sharing is Caring ♥ and happy weekend.
Thanks so much, Sis! 🙂
Reblogged this on Edwina's Episodes and commented:
I have been to visit Esme over at The Recipie Hunter. Why not come over and join us. 🙂
Thank you so much, sorry for only responding now here on this reblog post, but its been a bit hectic the last number of days. Thank you once again.
No problem Esme. I realised when I re blogged the post that it didn’t go on my self-hosted site which is the one I use. 🙂
All good no problem. 🌹