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August G…uest #6: Home Sweet Home

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Ritu3 Meet Ritu @ But I Smile Anyway… 
Hi there!   I’m Ritu from the blog But I Smile Anyway… 
I’d like to thank Esmé for inviting me over to do a guest post on her blog. Isn’t she just the best!
At the moment, I am sat at home, back with my parents, regressing back to the days before I was a Mrs, the days before I was a wife or a mother.
It doesn’t matter how old you are when you go back home, you automatically slip into the role of the child. (You don’t? Must only be me then!)
Ritu 1
Mum, well, she is in her element! From making cups of tea to whipping up favourite dishes, magically producing activities to keep her grandchildren busy, as well as managing to turn my dirty clothes heap into a pile of freshly laundered garments, she just keeps going!
Pops is the same, but not quite. He’s there with those never-ending hugs and that feeling that you are Daddy’s girl, no matter what age you are. Seeing him in his familiar spot, on the sofa, hearing him potter about in the mornings, performing his daily rituals, all these things, make you really feel you are home.
And me, I’m sat here, enjoying my freedom to write, knowing the kids are busy with their grandparents. Or if I want to read for an hour, or go for a peaceful walk, I can.
But actually, what I want to do most of all, is to sit with them. Enjoy my time with my parents. They’re not getting any younger, and my mum often reminds me by saying “I’m not being morbid but…” then discussing something regarding what will happen when she/they are not around.
I don’t want to acknowledge that fact.
Not at all.
I know I have to, and when that time comes, I will.
But for now, I want to create even more memories of them, with them. I want to talk about our childhood, their childhood, and store the tales away into my mind, so I can take them out at any time, and reminisce.
I want my children to have fond memories of the times they spend with their grandparents. I want them to know just how wonderful these people are.
And now, I shall disappear, to go and share a cuppa and a giggle with my beloved parents.
Treasure yours.
They won’t be around forever. <3
Please visit Ritu @ But I Smile Anyway…  for as she put it: Musings and memories, words and wisdom… of a working family woman.
Guest Bloggger

  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com ">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


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57 thoughts on “August G…uest #6: Home Sweet Home”

  1. Pingback: August G…uest Post Roundup | The Recipe Hunter
  2. Family, friends and loved ones are the important things in life….nothing else matters. You are truly blessed Ritu to be surrounded by amazing people. We all need to stop and appreciate the special people in our lives and let them know we love them. Love your post Ritu and thank you Esme for sharing it with us all. Xx

  3. Family..nothing better and reading your story made me miss my dad…but I have many happy memories and we talk of him often with my children and with laughter not sadness as he was funny and you are building those moments too..Loved it!

  4. This touched me deeply. With four grown up daughters and my mother just turned 85 ever moment seems somehow in sharp focus with her. I lost my dad 14 years ago. She has been resilient and tremendous but he frail edges begin to show. Making sure she is OK and making sure her Grandies bottle as many memories as they can without labourions the point that she won’t be here forever is a tightrope … your ode to your family is beautiful and I wish you SO many returns of these times in your life.

  5. Lovely post, I feel incredibly warm and gooey inside now 😍 your parents seem like the sweetest folks Ritu: even without your words, I can just tell that from your photographs 💙


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