Meet Jennie @ A Teacher’s Reflections
Thank you, Esmé, for having me as a guest on your wonderful blog. First, let me introduce myself. I am Jennie, a long time preschool teacher, 30+ years is definitely a long time, and… well, that’s what I want to talk about.
My first day of teaching was filled with fear (of course). My co-teacher had a plan, I was to read books to the children every day. I had not been read to as a child, except for The Five Chinese Brothers from my grandmother. This was the one and only book, and to this day I remember it vividly. That first day my co-teacher handed me Swimmy by Leo Lionni. It was magical for me, and for the children. It was a taste of something I knew I had to have. And, I couldn’t get enough.
I consumed children’s books over the next few decades. The more I read aloud, the more children wanted to hear stories, and be read to. I had plenty of books in the classroom for children to touch, feel, hold, and turn the pages. Questions and interest exploded. I was the yeast in the dough, or perhaps the children were the yeast. I kept a dictionary nearby to look up new words. That was fun!
I became picky about books. I just couldn’t bear reading aloud poor literature. Thank goodness, as outstanding books are a golden key to open the mind, and spark so many questions. I pushed the button, opened the envelope. All I had to do was stop. Give a worried look. Say , “Oh, dear.” Forty minutes later we would be discussing how Rapunzel’s tower was built, or if it was fair that Jack’s mother threw the magic beans out the window.
I was doing more than reading. I was throwing out a lifeline, a learning line, and it worked.
Conversations spilled over into lunchtime. One day I spontaneously told a story that happened in my childhood, about The Peanut Man who came to school once a year. Then I told another story about being afraid of bats, then another one about a raccoon in my house… and so on. They became “Jennie Stories”, and were begged for every day.
Lightbulb moment – I didn’t always need books with pictures. Storytelling allowed the children to “make the pictures in their head”. Oh, they did! I decided to read aloud a chapter book, just before rest time. Charlotte’s Web instantly became a favorite. Children listened, remembered, asked questions. They were part of the story. Chapter reading was not something that preschool teachers did. Well, I did because I had gone from picture books to storytelling, and the children couldn’t get enough. How wonderful!
The day that Jim Trelease, author of The Read-Aloud Handbook, visited my classroom to see the teacher that reads aloud, and reads chapter books to preschoolers, was terrific. His book was my “parent handbook” when my kids were little. And now I am part of his latest (and last) edition.
Listen to children. Pay attention to them, and to what they like. Read, read, read. It makes the biggest difference. Children that I taught ages ago return to school and tell me so.
Follow Jennie via Twitter: @jlfatgcs and Facebook
Please visit our wonderful Guest Blogger, Jennie @ A Teacher’s Reflections to read more about all her teaching preschoolers for over thirty years.

Thank you for sharing. Jennie is inspirational. Her words come straight from her heart and her enormous love of children and books.
Thank you for visiting and your comment. I am just wondering if you would like to do a G…uest post as well. Please let me know, then I can set you up and you can do a post at your convenience. That will be awesome, thanks for thinking about it.
How lovely to discover how you went into teaching. Very inspiring!
Thank you! 🙂
Hi L Marie – This is a personal invite to you to find out if you would be interested to also do a G…uest Post with me? Think about it and please let me know. Thanks
I would so love to get some of your blogger friends to also participate as a G…uest
“I had not been read to as a child, except for The Five Chinese Brothers from my grandmother. This was the one and only book, and to this day I remember it vividly.”
Wow. And out of want was birthed passion…
I think you’re right, Laura. 😊
Dear Laura. Do you wish to participate and also G…uest Post here with us? What do you think? Please let me know if you’re interested.
How sweet. Thanks for the invite! Would love to contribute, but not quite sure when, later more that sooner for sure – will notify you via your blog instructions when I get closer to a possible time and/or have an idea of what to write! HA!
Have a good ‘after eclipse glow’ week.
Awesome – just let me know when ready and I will be honored to have you as a Guest.
We need more teachers like Jennie 🙂
Awww… that is so nice. Thank you! 😊
🙂 Just sayin’
Hi Debby. What an honor to have you visit my humble blog and read Jennie’s post. May I dream on, and hope that you would like to participate and do a G…uest Post???
Hi Esme. Thanks so much for your lovely invite. I would be happy to share a recipe with you if you would like. 🙂
WOW, I am humbled and flattered. I see your email as: de********@gm***.com Please confirm then I will send you an invite and you can write your very own post direct on my blog. If you need to add any images, this WP contributor role unfortunately does not allow you to add images, then please email them to co**********@sh**.ca and I will add it on your behalf. I also respectfully ask permission to link to your blog and also if I am permitted to add a picture of you. Please also email that to me if agreed. If you wish to write about another topic, feel free, as I do accept any topic, but if you like to add a recipe, that will be great. Thanks in advance
Thanks Esme. Yes, that’s my email. I look forward to your email. And I will send you my author photo along with the post and of course, feel free to link to my blog and I will also reblog it after your post. 🙂 Thank you for your invite. 🙂
Awesome – invite done – you should now be set up and ready to do your post. I am so happy to have you on board and looking forward to your post.
Thanks Esme. 🙂 I’ve not written directly on other posts before so I’ll give it a whirl. I’m self hosted and often gives me grief with my self hosted. I’ll let you know if any snags. I ‘ve had a few with other bloggers and had to send a Word doc for them to copy and paste themselves. 🙂
Hope it will work, once you accept the invite. But anyway, let me know. Thanks again so much for your willingness to Guest Post with me
Will do. I’m attempting to work on it now. I’ll let you know when it’s done and email you pics to add. 🙂 Thanks again for the invite. 🙂
WOW Thanks awesome – looking forward to it. Thanks again 🙂 🙂
Hi Esme, Could you please check if you got it? I’ll forward you an email with photos to add. 🙂
Awesome thanks sooooooooooo much. Received it as well as your email. I will publish your post still today. It’s only 2:30 pm here so once I have added the images and social media info I will hit publish. BTW please send me your social media links then I can add it to the post as well. What an honor to have you as G…uest Poster. ♥
Wow, thanks so much Esme. I will send the links to you now. Wow, I didn’t expect you to publish right away. what an honor. I will visit comments and reblog it on my blog early next week. I’ll link back and ping you when I do. <3
It’s am absolute pleasure Debby – It’s a matter of first come and you get added to the next slot. As soon as I receive your email I will add it. It has not arrived in my email as yet.
Just sent. 🙂
Ok, think my server a bit slow, but am sure it will arrive in my inbox shortly. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart.
I am thanking YOU. 🙂 🙂
♥ ♥
I have all your social media links from your blog – no need to worry further. I should have checked there before asking you to email me.
Please feel free to connect with me on social media and any of my author and blog pages at: (Of course there’s a story to this name!)
Lol, thank you again 🙂
Thanks again – Will be published tonight for sure
Yay! So excited! I’ll share everywhere, then repost on my Tuesday new beginning of week blogs. <3
Just wanted to let you know I have published it – thanks once again and than ks for sharing everywhere. ♥
Be right over!
What a lovely job, reading and teaching children, although I know that it takes a special type of person to do it really well and bring out the absolute best in children.
Thanks so much, Robbie! 😊
Robbie – How about you? Do you think that you may possible be interested to G…uest Post with me? Drop me a note and let me know, thanks
Many thanks, Sally!
Lovely guest post, Jennie and Esme. I’ve never met a little kid who didn’t love a book and having adults around who are just as enthusiastic is wonderful! 😀
Thank you, Diana. It’s true! 🙂
Again, I dream big, and wish to extend an invitation to you as well and ask if you would be interested to do a G…uest Post. Thanks for considering.
Thank you so much, Esme. I would love to but will need a bit of time to pull something together if that’s all right. I’ve been doing a lot of “me” posts lately and I’m getting sick of myself. Ha ha. Have a great weekend. 🙂
No rush at all. I have your email address as pe*********@gm***.com so I can send you the invite, then you can accept and do the post at your convenience. Please let me know if I can send the invite. Looking forward to your post on my humble blog.
Sure! Send it along. 🙂
Whoop whoop – invite done, so all set up and ready to go. Let me know if you need any other information.
Will do 🙂
Wonderful, looking forward to it
I checked and didn’t see anything come through. Would you send again to dw***********@gm***.com? Thanks!
Hi there – Invite done, hope this one will work.
Yes! Thank you. 🙂
Awesome, just let me know once you have done your draft and send me your images and social media links and I will give you a publish date within 48 hours after I received your email.:)
Hello Jennie! You absolutely speak to my heart here. Reading to and with children is the greatest gift we can give them. Add storytelling to the mix and I think those children will never be lonely.
Thank you! I couldn’t agree with you more. 😊
Great post about a great teacher! I love hearing the details of how and why Jennie reads picture books AND chapter books to her preschoolers.
Thank you, Marcia! You are so kind. 🙂
Hi Marcia – Wow I am gobsmacked by all you wonderful people reading this post. Yes, I would like to find out if you would be interested in G…uest Posting??
You can’t have a better guest than Jennie. Her love of reading, and that same love for children always warms my cynical old heart.
Best wishes, Pete.
Your kind words are very much appreciated, Pete. Many thank yous!
Hi Pete – read your about and just love it, how about you share some of your stories etc. as a G…uest Poster here with us? What do you think?
Would you like to reblog something, or shall I write something just for your site? Let me know the type of subject matter you have in mind, and email me at pe***********@ya***.com
Thanks very much for getting in touch.
Best wishes, Pete.
Hi Pete – I would love it if you can write something, or if you do not have time, then just copy and redo a post direct on my blog, but I do prefer a fresh post not a reblog. I will send you the invite in a minute to your address as listed above and then you can do your post at your convenience. The WP contributor role unfortunately does not allow you to add any images, so please email that to me at co**********@sh**.ca for me to add. I also request your permission to add a pingback to your blog as well as permission to add a picture of you. If permitted, please add that to your email to me. I am humbled and honed that you’re willing to be a G…uest here. Looking forward to your contribution.
No problem. I will get on it soon, and send a photo with the article. Any preferences on subject matter?
Thank you so much, Invite done and looking foward to your post. Any subject matter will be good, thanks so much. Email your pictures once done and I will provide publish date within 48 hours of receipt of your email. Looking forward to your post. Thanks so much
Great interview and inspiring. Reading is wonderful , though as a child I did like it so, but story time with dad was the best thing ever.
What you said is powerful; while you liked reading, the best was story time. Hearing the words is tremendously important. Thank you!
Dear Bella. I visited your lovely blog and would like to ask you if you would consider being a G…uest blogger here as well? Looking forward to hear from you
Oh thank you . What would a guest post entail i am still a relative newbie at blogging. Regards bella
If you want to participate, email me at co**********@sh**.ca then I will give you all the details. Looking forward to your email
Wonderful.. Jennie is a wonderful teacher, I wish She had been mine when I was at school. 🙂
Aww… that is so nice, Sue. Thank you! 😊
<3 you are welcome Jennie xx
Dear Sue, I visited your blog and love what I found there. May I ask if you would be interested to G…uest Post here with us.
Many thanks for your kind offer, I had a lovely time browsing your own blog.. And May I take a rain-check and get back to you when I have a little more time… This next week is a busy one for me, but I look forward to getting to know you and your blog in more depth very soon. 🙂 Sue
Sue that will be perfect. If you wish, just let me know then I can do the invite and you can do your post at your convenience. I await your response. No rush to do the post.
Many thanks and I will let you know, could I request though you take down my email from public view, even though it is only used for WP, to prevent spam etc.. Many thanks to you 🙂
Sorry if I have caused any issues, never intended, but removed as requested. Please keep me posted should you be interested.
No my friend you have not caused a problem, at all. And I apologise if my comment made you feel that it was, It is just I have experienced problems before, so had to alter my email address for WP.. And just prefer to keep it hidden, and for the use of my WordPress friends who can view it in their comment sections.. And yes.. I am very interested in your offer, Sorry I do not know your first name.. 🙂 But I have a funeral to attend on Wednesday, so for the moment I can not give your kind request the attention it deserves. So please bare with me..
Many thanks again.. And thank you so much.. Blessings Sue 🙂
My name is Esmé and not to worry about anything Sue. Take care and sorry to hear about the funeral. I will do the invite and when you’re ready, just drop me an email at co**********@sh**.ca and we can chat further. Talk to you later.
Thank you Esme, and I accepted your invite… And will indeed be in touch.. Many thanks Sue 🙂
Awesome whoop whoop. Looking forward to it. 🌹🌹
Reblogged this on A Teacher's Reflections and commented:
I was invited to be a guest blogger on The Recipe Hunter’s terrific blog. Thank you, Esmé. It’s a great story… about me!
Thank you so much, Esmé, for having me as a guest blogger! 😊
Children always love hearing stories, especially when they get to ask questions and become more involved. This is such a lovely, cheery post 🙂
Thank you, Judy. 😊
Reblogged this on Die Erste Eslarner Zeitung – Aus und über Eslarn, sowie die bayerisch-tschechische Region!.
Thank you so much for reblogging. Always an honor!
The permission for reblogging is always an honor for us. Have a nice week ahead, and many thanks for your postings. 😉 Michael
I would always read to my children at night when they were younger. It’s a special time to bond together. Truly irreplaceable memories. X
Thank you. It is truly a memory builder as well as a language builder.
100%. 😊
Wonderful post! Jennie I totally agree – reading aloud and storytelling are two of the most powerful gifts we can give a child 😍
Yes, I can see that with our grandkiddies – They just ♥ it when we read stories to them. They are like sponges, and just suck up all the info. Even our 2 year are clued to me when we start reading her books.
And, like Jennie, I frequently make up stories for my class Too!
Yes!! 😀
Wish you were close to be teachers for our grandkids
Awww… that is so nice. I would love that. Thank you!
Its the truth Jennie ♥
That is such a sweet compliment Jennie. Thank you 😍 they’re lucky to have you xxx
Ritu, you and Jennie are awesome – Keep it up ♥ ♥
Thank you, Ritu!
Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.
Thanks for sharing on your side Sir
This is so good, She is a Gem.
Thanks for your kind words, I am sure she will appreciate them