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Bald Eagles: will they, won’t they?

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Bald Eagles: will they, won’t they?

For two Bald Eagle breeding seasons now we have been hugely disappointed. After having a pair breed next to the dyke close to our house for many years, all of a sudden for the past two years…. nothing!

But then: some positive signs. Late in November my husband posted and shared some images of the pair hanging out by the nest and even doing some renovations. But because we have been so badly disappointed recently, he tried to avoid getting excited or hopeful, and that is still his state of mind.

But mid-February was another hopeful sign: when he went for a walk in a brief sunny period, he found one of the pair in the nest and the other one sitting next to the nest. After a while, they both flew off and settled in a tree about 200m away. So: fingers FIRMLY crossed and wishing hard but not allowing our optimism to get the better of us!

As he worked through the photographs, it occurred to him that it had the makings of a romantic drama, so he decided to treat this in a lighter vein (to push down his optimism!)


So I present to you with his story:

True Romance in pictures: the Bald Eagle romantic saga! 


The lady was trapped in the wooden fortress by her cruel captor. “Help!” she cried, “Let me out somebody, please!!!

Bald Eagles: will they won'tย they?y, won't they?
Eagle Nest

Bwaahhahaha” he laughed evilly, “You are NEVER getting out of here! You are MINE forever!”

Bald Eagles: will they won'tย they?y, won't they?

She thought “Well if nobody is going to help me, I will have to escape on my own!”

Bald Eagles: will they won'tย they?y, won't they?

And off she went. Realizing the mistake he had made, he quickly followed and tried to woo her back. (And now I am going to take some poetic license: I know the female is the larger of the two but that does not fit my storyline!)

“Please, come back! I will treat you like the lady you are!” he pleaded.

Bald Eagles: will they won'tย they?y, won't they?

“But how can I ever trust you after what you had done?” she replied, looking away in turmoil.

Bald Eagles: will they won'tย they?y, won't they?

“I need some time to think about our relationship,” she said and leaped off into the blue…er, grey… sky.

Bald Eagles: will they won'tย they?y, won't they?

While deeply upset, he tried to put a brave face on the situation as she left.

Bald Eagles: will they won'tย they?y, won't they?
Bald Eagles: will they won'tย they?y, won't they?

She settled in a quiet place and pondered what had happened, trying to decide what to do. Should she give him another chance? Could she really trust him after all that had happened?

Bald Eagles: will they won'tย they?y, won't they?

Meanwhile, back at the branch, he was desperately trying to formulate a plan to win her back.

Bald Eagles: will they won'tย they?y, won't they?

He knew he had to demonstrate to her how deeply he cared and decided to fly off after her to plead his enduring love and beg her forgiveness.

Bald Eagles: will they won'tย they?y, won't they?

END OF EPISODE 1 of Bald Eagles: will they, won’t they?

TO BE CONTINUED …hopefully… all depending on if they will?


And if you are concerned about my husband’s mental well-being: I deeply appreciate it, but I can assure you that he’s OK. No really, he is quite OK…

PS:  All pictures used, taken by my husband while out on his walks and with his permission.

  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com ">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


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16 thoughts on “Bald Eagles: will they, won’t they?”

  1. Well, I am a romantic, so thanks to your husband for the story. I hope Mr Eagle learns his lesson and that she forgives and that there are happy days ahead. Waiting for the flapping of little wings.
    I will feature your husband’s story and great photos on the next Blogger’s Pit Stop ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Dear Kathleen, Well, what a surprise note to receive after work tonight. I will pass your compliments over to my husband. It does look like she may have forgiven Mr. Eagle.

  2. What a cute love story that was woven! The pictures are A grade.
    The brilliant cerulean sky has been captured in all it’s magnificence!

  3. I’m not concerned over his mental health! Story proves he is okay to me! Can’t wait for second installment. Serious the pictures are great. Waiting………

    • Thank you, Terri. Yes, we are so spoilt to see them in abundance and then in the breeding season as well. Like you, we also hope for babies, but I am not so sure.

  4. I hope they WILL! We have some bald eagles nesting near our house. We love to watch them too. Your hubby got some great photos. Mine always look like they are so far away and blurry.

  5. Well me think the lady was needing space while he learned his lesson. Now I have 9 am copulation thoughts but at least it is of the avian nature. Nice post Esme I do hope that beautiful things are afoot. X


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