The Brotherhood Of The World Bloggers Award is an award given to bloggers by bloggers.
I wish to thank Crystal And Daisy Mae for the honor bestowed on my blog for this nomination. Crystal, I am so sorry for taking this long to follow through and responding, but here I am now.
The Rules
Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
Answer the questions sent to you.
Nominate 10 bloggers.
Create your set of questions for your nominees.
List the rules and display the brotherhood of the world bloggers award logo in your post and/on your blog.
Questions asked
What makes you angry? Lies and deceitfulness
What was your last random act of kindness? Going out of my way to help a co-worker
What is your key to happiness? Love and respect
What is your philosophy of life in three words? Love, Honesty, Kindness
Why did you start blogging? For fun and sharing my passion in the kitchen
What pet(s) do you own? Unfortunately no pets at present.
What encourages you the most and how do you encourage (not flatter) others? Praise/Compliment when due
What made you choose the name of your blog? I am always looking “hunting” for a new recipe and trying to modify a recipe to GF and vegan.
My Nominees
This is the most difficult part of accepting an award.
If you are reading this post up to this point, and wish to claim this award for your blog, please accept this as being personally nominated.
Questions for my nominees:
Where do most visits to your blog come from?
Name the most special moment in your life.
What prompted you to start blogging?
What is the principle/s that you live by?
Are you an indoor or outdoor person?
Name your dream vacation destination?
Name your favorite quote?
What are your future aspirations?
Awesome – glad you participated Silvia. Done a RT
Congrats Esme. Well deserved. <3
Thanks my friend
Congratulations, Esme. Well deserved!
Thanks Eugenia. Please if you wish, accept this notification as being nominated!
Thank you, Esme.
Congrats Esme. X
Thanks my friend. Feel free to accept as being nominated.
Congratulations, dear Esme! Award is very richly deserved!
Hi Funky cat – so good to hear from you again and thanks for your kind words. Hope all well in your neck of the woods.
All is well, just very busy. How about yourself?
All good at this end as well! Still working full time and busy with FB groups, Senior Salon etc. but not complaining.
Good for you, dear friend; keeps you young!
You deserve this honor.Thanks for doing it Congratulations. Liked your answers.
Thanks Crystal, you’re so kind.