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Everyday Cooking

Peanut Butter Smoothie

   INGREDIENTS 1 cup low-fat greek yogurt 3 heaped tsp. smooth peanut butter 1 peeled banana 1/4 cup steelcut oats 3/4 cup ice 1-2 tsp. vanilla extract 1 tsp. honey Mix all together in blender till smooth. Add additional milk or soy milk as needed to get the perfect consistency Source: Own creation Esme Slabbert‘s kitchen

A brown smoothie made with Almond Joy milk, bananas and cocoa

Almond Joy Smoothie

I am a smoothie-holic, and this Almond Joy Smoothie is awesome, so easy but delicious 1 sliced banana (fresh or frozen)¼ cup slivered almonds1 heaped tablespoon cacao powder1½ tablespoons shredded coconut (preferably unsweetened)1 scoop vanilla Whey protein powder¼ cup vanilla french yogurt¾ cup vanilla almond soy milk – you can add more if you wish … Read more