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Guest Posting – Change of format

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PHi, my fellow bloggers, readers, and wonderful Guest Posters.
First and foremost, I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of my followers for your support, comments, and visits. 
Without you, this blog will not here.  thank-you
I have been racking my pea brain for a solution as I want to make it easier for you all to Guest Post here at The Recipe Hunter
To date, I have already received so many awesome and wonderful Guests Posts!

With WP it’s not so easy to get the system to always accept all the invites I send out to you as a potential Contributor.
I have many times received requests and then when I follow up heard that the Guest say they never received the email invite.  This is very annoying, to say the least.   I do apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.  I can promise you, that when I say I am sending an invite, or promise to send one, I do it and always confirm one way or another that I have done so.
I tried to come up with a better solution, and have now come to the conclusion that the best way to tackle this WP problem would be that you email, so please go to About The Recipe Hunter and then send me an email (see the bottom of that post) then we can work from there.
That way, you will be sure that your post is exactly how you wish it to be and it will be way less work and effort on your part.
Attachments (.pdf if possible) in your email to me should include the following:

  1. A picture of yourself (if you agree that I use it as part of the post or any image you use as your profile)
  2. Any other images you wish to add to your post (remember, a picture is worth 1,000 words).

Contents of your document should include the following:

  1. Your post itself.
  2. Also, indicate in the verbiage where the images should go.  You can also add the image in the document itself, or just add the name/s of the images (i.e. image 1 or name it) then I am certain that I have it as it should be.
  3. Last but not least, please remember to add ALL your social media links (a bit self-promotion) at the end of the post, this way the readers will be able to get in touch with you and read your blog.

Yes, I do have a few simple rules:

  1. You can choose any theme, whatever you blog about.  Although this is a Home-made Tried and Tested recipe blog, you can send in a post on any topic.
  2. BUT:  No racist posts, porn, slander or foul language in a post will be approved.
  3. Please contact me via email should you require any further information.

Once I have your information, I will do up a post and link back to your blog and respond via return email of the proposed publication date.  I will also be able to give you a choice of different dates available, as I hope to be able to have a Guest Poster on a weekly basis.  I intend to publish the Guest Posts on a Wednesday, but should you prefer another day, we can discuss it.
I am looking forward to collaborating with each and every one of my followers. I am positive that this can be win-win for all involved.
Please put on your thinking caps, and prepare your post, then drop me that email.  I am waiting …  Thank you all.

  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

51 thoughts on “Guest Posting – Change of format”

  1. Pingback: Five Minutes With… Esme from The Recipe Hunter @TRH_Cook #Blogging #FoodBlogger #FiveMinutesWith – Motivate Me
  2. I would love to send you a guest post. Do you want me to email you first with my details or email the whole guest post?
    My blog is at
    I blog about food, travels, life and info I think is important to share with others

    • Hi Thank you so much for connecting. Yes, I would love to hear from you via email. Please drop me an email via my “About The Recipe Hunter” page where you will find a contact me form. I look forward hearing from you. Once I have your email then we can chat and if you have any questions, I can respond via email. Thanks again

  3. Pingback: Thank you for 16,200+ Followers! | The Recipe Hunter
    • No need to switch, I do lots of my recipes just as I like it and do not actually use a existing recipe, I cook and bake what pleases me and how I remember a flavor. Anything you want to submit will be perfect. Thanks in advance

  4. Pingback: Who, What, Where and Why?? | The Recipe Hunter
  5. Eek, I just figured out how to do it the old way!!! Not being antagonistic Esmé, but are you certain this isn’t going to cause you an awful lot of extra work? I’ve not had any trouble accessing your site and going about adding things and sending it for approval. Personally I prefer it that way as I rarely set post up in word processors unless they are HTML rich.
    Would it be better to draw in e-mail submissions for those having trouble and leave those who aren’t doing what they do normally? That way you only have to compile a few. Obviously if folk want to e-mail it in fine, but I am concerned it will overload your inbox and create a lot more work for you. 🙂

    • Gary – I fully understand what you say, but I am willing to work with both versions. I just received numerous emails of potential guests that they never received the invite and then I miss out on them. I am more than happy to work with email or the invite system whichever the blogger prefer

      • Ahh, potential new guests is a problem. If they are not receiving the invite then I’d be wanting to know why. You might only hear back from a handful of people if that’s been going on and the majority might not say anything at all. No wonder you are altering things. That said I’m already up and running with your site so it makes sense for both of us I keep using it that way. Saves you time and last week we figured it works properly. I’m of the persuasion if its not broken then leave well and good alone!
        Oh, did you get my e-mail re the book???

  6. I admire the way you’ve laid it all out in a post. I used to have a document with guest post guidelines that I would mail to potential guest writers. That became tedious to manage. This is pretty spot on in terms of what is expected and what you welcome on the blog. Also maybe a timeline of when you’re likely to put it up may help? Just so the bloggers aren’t wondering if their post is languishing somewhere.
    *Came here via the Big Up Your Blog group.

    • Thank you – I found your post in spam as you did mention on BUYB. Not sure why it does go to spam. Thanks for your input. As for timeline. I do Guest Posts every Wednesday, thus the next opening available will be for you.
      As per the original post:
      Once I have your information, I will do up a post and link back to your blog and respond via return email of the proposed publication date. I will also be able to give you a choice of different dates available, as I hope to be able to have a Guest Poster on a weekly basis. I intend to publish the Guest Posts on a Wednesday, but should you prefer another day, we can discuss it.
      Hope you will participate, so I await your post at your convenience. At the moment I do have Nov 1 and Nov 15 open.

  7. Dear Esme, since we are already linked, I’ll just do my guest post the usual way, if you don’t mind. I will e-mail you some images, though, and will indicate where they should be inserted.
    Don’t work too hard and have a great weekend! 😻

  8. Thank you for this, I have your site linked with my own since you sent me the invite, and I have not had time to do anything yet with writing a post.. do I submit to email or via the blog linked.. It has been ages since you asked me, Apologies .. So you may want to withdraw the link to the blog.. Which is also fine.. 🙂
    I will await your reply.. 🙂 Sue


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