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Happiness is not a luxury, it’s a necessity

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A big welcome to our next Guest: Anindya Rakshit

I come from Calcutta, a major metro city from the eastern shores of India. A banker by profession, I have been a sportsman for a long time as I am very fond of playing table tennis, maybe a little bragging will do no harm, I’m kinda good at it….:):)…..and I am absolutely crazy about music, been listening, sharing, collecting, experimenting, researching with music for quite a long time now since childhood……so, my blog will have ample features of music…….Love meeting new people, making new friends, exploring different cultures and languages……..and I fall in love very easily…..with so many things….:)

Movies and Books are once again of my major interests, besides shopping…….:)……though mostly my time is spent in window shopping I guess…I love to keep track of happenings in my world and the bigger world as a whole, issues that affect all of us, and keeps in the thick and thin of things….And I have also taken up my interest in writing quite seriously after much thought and started quite recently, and that’s why this blog……. 🙂


Yep….we all want that face forever…. trust me, we all want to be happy ……. just carefree happy….we want our lives free of fear, tension, worries, troubles, concerns and want just plain and simple laughter, happy times and relax air all around …… We all have a child in us …:)

Yet, we make it hard on ourselves…..on a daily basis…..we worry, we stress, we invite trouble and get bogged down in it, we grudge, we judge, we find faults in everything, we look at everything and everyone with suspicion….and in the process we doubt ourselves………………

Relax…..just relax…..and ease your minds…….things are not that bad……..Happiness is really not such a luxury that it has to acquire with a steep price………


Yes, feelings, particularly negative ones are like visitors, they will visit you often and then will go away…..just let them go….. don’t make them permanent residents in your home……else, embrace positive visitors and hold them with love, happiness, and enthusiasm……they are your family……….

My feeling says, is happiness so difficult to find ?……there is so much life all around us, every moment, every day to be happy about…..and still we are trying so hard to find it…? 


Yes, happiness is that easy………..:)….

1] a good book
2] good music
3] a good movie
4] a beautiful garden
5] family
6] friends
7] workplace
8] your wardrobe
9] your travel destinations
10] sport you like

………..the list goes on……..and still, you find negativities to set in and enslave your lives……….the whole world is a happy place to dwell in…’s your mind that is the place to start first…..:)


So true…..I didn’t know of this before…..such amazing facts……..yes, every time we feel broken, hurt and left out, we need to look at the bright side of life that these challenges are actually the doorways to new happiness to find. Every negative moment that you face is not your fault……it’s actually making you much more important and shows your value which can be restored in such grand way……it gives you the chance……:)… be happy….


Yep… says it all……the only way is to move forward…….towards happiness… matter what happens, we must feel this happiness in our minds. We must think of all the good things that we love in this life of ours, even those painful experiences have something good in them for us to concentrate on……and soon by doing that we say goodbye the negative feelings attached to it………….it’s all within us…..

Be happy…’s not hard to find…’s everywhere around you….in your own world….in everything that you do…..for so much you can be thankful for……practise gratitude at all times, and happiness will automatically set in…..and come back to you….the happier you are, the more happiness follows you…….:)…….


Happiness…..the indisputable magic potion we are all looking for as a constant endeavor in our lives, every day, every week and so on. Many of us are successful and again, many are not, but mostly we are all not quite sure what makes us actually happy………are we finding to be happy too difficult?

As I set to tackle this universal issue, I shall start with what makes me happy. My life is just not really different from most, and again not very happily poised like many. I have tons of problems and issued to tackle with. And trust me, these issues seem to be successful to wear me down with very eerie irregularity :)………….and that’s a difficult thing to handle at times.

And then again, in all these years of growing up from our childhood to our teens, then to our adulthood, we have learned several survival tricks, most of them self-taught, tricks to tackle unhappiness to be precise, to defeat the negatives with positiveness and bring some sanity into the proceedings.

“Peace is present right here and now, in ourselves and in everything we do and see. The question is whether or not we are in touch with it. We don’t have to travel far away to enjoy the blue sky. We don’t have to leave our city or even our neighborhood to enjoy the eyes of a beautiful child. Even the air we breathe can be a source of joy”…………………Thich Nhat Hanh.

Happiness for me comes in little packages…


……….from friendly smiles you see on the street or around you, from the family outings and gatherings, from listening to your favorite music playlists, from even creating them and sharing them, from watching your favorite movies alone if required be, from just aimless window shopping, from even the thought of the first glance from that beautiful girl you just met and the list can go on and on from everything material to immaterial………….and still at the end of the day somewhere happiness leaves us wanting for more…:)…………Well, what we forget is to find the happiness in even the simplest of the things at times when our happiness quotients are not in hand or available. Trust me, it is not difficult at all to keep oneself happy even if things are not going the way you want or just eluding you most of the times. The simple thoughts of finding the light after long spans of darkness can give you happiness, the simple flutter of wings or leaves of the trees outside your window can make you happy, the warm coffee or the morning tea with your favorite book or newspaper can make you happy, a simple walk or a nice workout can make you happy…….and there are ample of these little occasions on a daily basis can make us happy………:)…’s only that we have to look for it and train our minds to accept it that happiness exists in our own lives everywhere we look…….and we will find it not to difficult not obtain………:)

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  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

12 thoughts on “Happiness is not a luxury, it’s a necessity”

  1. A positive attitude goes a long way. And, happiness comes in small packages. As I sit at my computer at our current house sit, a quote graces this desk: “What matters is not days, but moments”. I think that counts for happiness as well. Tough times are hard to get through, but at least we know things will get better! 🙂

    • Thanks for reading Anindya’s Guest Post. I am so privileged to have such awesome bloggers wishing to share their stories here. Bernadette, how about you. Please let me know if you have time to do a Guest Post for us. That will be magic. I look forward hearing from you


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