Please meet our next Guest Julia Flynn from
I believe it’s Julia’s birthday today. 🎈🎈
Happy birthday Julia! May you have a special day filled with joy and a year filled with bliss.
Self-compassion confidently pressed open the closing doors of shutting down after an internet fraud. My anger’s first reaction was to completely shut down. Shut down my ideas of having a freer life by living thru and with my computer and the possibilities the internet creates. Taking a breath, I opted to welcome self-compassion’s energies instead of the tightening and closing effect of anger. Things got logical, then magical!
Logic reminded, if you want a freer life shutting down the computer and the internet isn’t an option. Then self-compassion began a power point like presentation that included an attitude shift, significant healing, and an awareness of an unhealthy pattern.
Slide one, presented a question. What if this internet fraud is teaching the negative of an internet life? Not to scare you but to enlighten you. The larger your internet presence the greater the opportunity to be defrauded. Just simply learn what internet fraud looks like. No self-judgment. No self-berating. Pure education.
Slide two. Review moments of quizzical thoughts, slight hunches. Anything that felt “off” before participating in what revealed itself as fraud. If so, what caused the overlooking?
Without judgment and dwelling in self-compassion, I realized my brain or heart or head or stomach…said, hhhmmmm…this seems odd. A deeper investigation didn’t take place because I returned from 5 days away, had 5 people over for dinner, and was speedily returning to “normal” from the influx of social events. Without anger present, a teachable moment appeared. The speedy mode created zero opportunities for intuition to bubble up to the surface thereby inviting me to take a deeper investigative step. Lesson learned!
Slide three, slips deep into the subconscious mind revealing a painful and destructive pattern. An unhealed wound of repeatedly having my openhearted nature taken advantage of is triggered. The illumination of this subconscious wound kick starts its healing process. This pattern of being open-hearted around fraudulent acts is brought to life because of this current experience. Can only heal what you’re willing to feel!
Self-compassion’s fourth powerpoint slide digs deep underneath slide threes pattern of emotional abuse. The young openhearted child grips the hope that these fraudulent people will be different this TIME. Self-compassion teaches the gripping of hope, in this instance, is a boomerang. This young pained part frees herself of this pattern by sitting on the cushiony, roll of hope. With freed arms, lightness and joy return to this young wounded part. She is boomerang free. The pattern is broken.
From human lesson to spiritual revelation!
Conscious Talk Magazine Columnist –