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Interview with Debby Gies from “DG Kaye”

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Meet Debby Gies from D.G. Kaye

All about your BLOG: Tell us about your lovely BLOG.

  1. What is the name of your blog and how did you decide on your blog name?
    My blog is . As a published author I felt it best to make the blog’s name with my author name to avoid any confusion with a fictional or whimsical name.
  2. What prompted you to start on this blogging journey?
    While I was writing my first book, Conflicted Hearts I spent the year learning about the self-publishing business. I learned how important it was to think ahead for marketing books, so I needed to build a platform – let people know I existed, make connections with people and share what I learn in the writing community, articles about my work, and share information about fellow bloggers and authors
  3. To date, what blogging achievement/s are you most proud of?
    I am most proud of the wonderful friends and connections I’ve made through blogging, the number of readers that follow me, engage with me, share my posts, the awards I’ve received, and the invitations I’ve received to guest post on other’s blogs, such as your Esmé.
  4. How would you describe your own blogging style?
    Eclectic. I am a writer, author, justice seeker, and gifted with a good sense of humor. I like to post 3 times a week, but often there will be a few surprise posts that creep in. On Tuesdays, I like to post something personal about something I learned, felt unjustifiable, or about memoir writing. On Fridays, I’d like to get back to doing guest author interviews, but in the absence of doing those interviews, I keep Friday posts geared towards writing tips or authorly news. And, every last Friday of the month I contribute to the #WATWB (We are the World Blogfest) where all participants post a blog share of something uplifting and inspirational to share positive things about what goes on in the world to deflect negativity. Every Sunday I share a new book review from a book I’ve read and posted on Amazon and Goodreads.
  5. What excites you most about blogging?
    The friendships I’ve made and the engagement between myself and my readers. We have a wonderful community where bloggers often become friends. Writing can be a solitary and lonely life, so the blogging part provides the social interaction we get with like-minded people.
  6. What platform do you use and why?
    I am self-hosted on Wordpress.Org. When I began blogging in early 2013 I started on free and within the year I learned about marketing and self-publishing and why it was best to own my own blog if I was going to publish books. There were many reasons, but mostly the thought of something happening down the road with the platform, if it crashed or closed and my content was to be lost began to haunt me. Plus, there is so much more control and options when you own your own website. But don’t be fooled, there are a lot of headaches with being self-hosted, but I just keep learning as I go.
  7. What genre/topic/theme do you blog about? Do you ever deviate from that theme?
    Like I mentioned before, my blog posts pertaining to personal stories, articles about writing, news in the writing industry, book reviews, guest posts. I’m a nonfiction/memoir writer so all my own stories are true. Some of my articles are inspirational, some serious, and some humorous. I’m a mixed bag of thought.
  8. How often do you blog per week or month?
    I believe I covered that answer in #4.
  9. Do you have any wisdom or tip/s regarding blogging to share with us?
    Engage with your readers. Respond to all comments. I know as a blog reader myself how much time it takes to read blogs and leave comments. The least a blogger can do for their readers is reply and engage those who took the time to visit and comment. Why else would we blog if we aren’t trying to build connections and readership? Also, help give a blog post a boost by sharing. Those social media share buttons on our blogs are there for a reason. If I enjoyed a post I always share it on various social media sites. That way my readers can see the post and they, in turn, can share with their readers and may very well become a new reader for the blog I shared if they too enjoy what they’ve read.
  10. Do you participate in linkup parties? How do you feel about it?
    I do participate in a few blog linkups, but not on a steady basis. If I have a recent post I feel will add value to a reader with the information I will share it to a linkup. But the reason I don’t do it often is time. I don’t want to feel like a spammer if I shove my links everywhere and don’t spend any time reading a few of the other links. Time is always something I wish I had more of as a blogger and juggler of many things in my days.

All about YOU: Tell us something about you, the real YOU.

  1. What do you like to do other than blogging?
    I like to fit in writing time and reading time. I like to get outside and go downtown with a friend and gab and shop. And my biggest passion is my love for travel.
  2. Where do you reside?
    I live in central Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  3. Are you an indoor or outdoor person?
    I would have to say both. I have plenty to do on a daily basis, which leaves no room for boredom. And I love to get out when I can on a sunny day and just do whatever pleases me for the day. But on vacation, I just love to be outdoors, touring, sunning, observing.
  4. Do you still work, and if so, what is your trade/profession
    Work? I’m always working, lol. If you mean do I get dressed and go to a job every day, then no. I work at home on writing, reading articles to further my writing, and take care of my home and my aging husband.
  5. Or are you retired? If so, what do you do besides blogging?
    Retired? Lol that is so funny because a writer never gets to retire.
  6. Do you wish to be 20-something or the age you are now and why?
    Some of my best times and memories were from my twenties. But no, I don’t think I wish to be that age again. I’m quite happy at the age I am now (no disclosure, lol), but sometimes I think about how quickly the years are passing and wish I could just go back a decade and started my writing career then so I could have accomplished more.
  7. What makes your day a good and happy one?
    What makes for a good day around here is no glitches – in life or with my computer or blog. And a good day for my husband.
  8. Describe yourself in 3 words.
    Optimistic, funny, worry-wart. (Is that 4 words?)
  9. Share with us 3 interesting facts about yourself.
     – I’m a great multi-tasker and get my best work done under pressure and deadlines.
    – I love to travel, and even though I tend to run into glitches with every vacation I take, it doesn’t deter me, but rather gives me more to write about.
    – I’m a good cook, often making up recipes on the spot as I cook, and sadly, those dishes will never taste the same second time around because I don’t use measuring cups. LOL
  10. Do you have any other tidbits to share with us about yourself?
    I’m complex but simple.
    I love fashion and have a great sense of style, yet I also know when as beautiful as something is, it’s not always best for me.
    I have a strong will and determination. If something is broken or isn’t working I will go to many time- consuming lengths to find a way to fix. Yes, that includes people too.

Last but not least:

  1. Please share with us your social media links, in order for our readers to follow you!

Short bio:

Debby Gies is a Canadian memoir/nonfiction writer who writes under the pen name D.G. Kaye. She writes about real life experiences and matters of the heart sharing life lessons in hopes to empower others.

And the plus one question – Social media profiles!

Please feel free to connect with me on social media and any of my author and blog pages at: (Of course there’s a story to this name!)


Conflicted Hearts
MenoWhat? A Memoir
Words We Carry
Have Bags, Will Travel
P.S. I Forgive You
Twenty Years: After “I Do”

What are you waiting for, I know you want to do the 20 + 1 Interview Questions
I look forward to hearing from you! 

  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog. You will also find Resources and Courses and Services for Bloggers which I promote from time to time.

135 thoughts on “Interview with Debby Gies from “DG Kaye””

    • WOW – Stevie you do not want me to start on this one. All I can say get the best and I mean the very best webmaster to do it for you. I am still battling.

      • Lol Esme, I feel your pain. I’m self hosted for 4 years now and still have ongoing issues where I’m seeking help. We’re writers and bloggers, we didn’t sign up for this code crap and technical shyte LOL. 🙂 x

    • Are you thinking of self hosting Stevie? There’s a lot of backdoor work and technical glitches and often when a plugin has an update and doesn’t play nice with all the other plugins, you better have good back up to your blog and a helpful friend who knows these techie issues or it could cost even more money to hire someone to fix things. . . speaking from experience! There are also more things to fill in when posting a blog if you have added plugins. It’s not just add an image and a few tags like on Those are just a few to mention. 🙂 x

  1. Terrific interview with Debby!! She is the real deal, and I think if we met, we would be like long lost friends (too much laughing and fun). Down deep, she writes from the heart, real stories, funny and not so funny. She’s the best!

  2. I’ve known Debby for as long as I’ve been blogging, but these interviews always bring out something new. You don’t use measuring cups, Debby? 😂
    Seriously, Debby is a wonderful friend and has given me so much encouragement and support with my writing. I’m determined that we’re gonna meet up in person before my ‘best by’ date is up.

  3. Wow, great interview! I enjoy pretty much anything Debby’s involved in but this interview is wonderful. Loved the questions and answers! Well done!😊

  4. Hi Esme, I’ve replied to Adele’s comment 5 times already and not showing up. Could you check spam. although I don’t know why it would go there because all other comments are fine.
    If you can add this to Adele’s reply, that would be great: Hi Adele. I replied to your comment 3 times but looks like it’s not catching. Lol, once again we are the same <3

  5. Thanks for this interview, Esme and Debby! As always, I like to learn more about my blogging buddies, especially if it’s a memoir writer. 🙂 I’m getting to know you so well, Debby, that I might run out of questions whenever I finally meet you. Just kidding, of course, as I never run out of things to talk about and ask, and I have a feeling you’re the same.

    I especially loved how you said you try to fix everything, including people. And, what a good day represents for you… I couldn’t agree more about being happy about a day without glitches (and a healthy husband), especially these days! 🙂

  6. Enjoyed this interview – I found out some more differences Debby – I don’t like to cook, or travel, and I have no interest in fashion! And there was I thinking we were exactly the same!

  7. So lovely to get to known you better..Debby and can’t wait to hear the story behind your twitter handle 😉 A lovely interview Esme 🙂 xx


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