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Interview with Melissa L. Gonzales from “Mint Tea and Elephants”

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Interview: Meet Melissa L. Gonzales from Mint Tea and Elephants

All about your BLOG: Tell us about your lovely BLOG.

  1. What is the name of your blog and how did you decide on your blog name?
    My blog is Mint Tea and Elephants. If asked to name two things that I love, most people who know me (they don’t even have to know me very well) would probably say mint tea and elephants. I’m the easiest person to get a gift for. Buy me mint tea. Add another elephant to my collection
  2. What prompted you to start on this blogging journey?
    I’d submitted my final research paper for my M.A. in Cultural Studies and I felt as if I’d lost my voice to the dictates of academic writing. I wanted a space to write about whatever I wanted, however, I wanted, whenever I wanted.
  3. To date, what blogging achievement/s are you most proud of?
    Blogs come and go in the blink of an eye. I’m proud of the fact that two years on, I’m still in my corner of cyberspace!
  4. How would you describe your own blogging style?
    I blog the way I talk.
  5. What excites you most about blogging?
    When people comment or message me to say that something I wrote made them smile, laugh, reflect, think, feel.
  6. What platform do you use and why?
    WordPress because there’s so much you can do with it!
  7. What genre/topic/theme do you blog about? Do you ever deviate from that theme?
    I’m niche-less and don’t see that changing any time soon. It’s quite freeing.
  8. How often do you blog per week or month?
    I blog whenever my muse strikes.
  9. Do you have any wisdom or tip/s regarding blogging to share with us?
    Never lose sight of who you are and why you started blogging. It’s easy to get lost in the melee but if you stay focused, you won’t be distracted by the noise.
  10. Do you participate in linkup parties? How do you feel about it?
    When I first started blogging, I had a look at some linky parties. It seemed to me that the only purpose was to inflate the follower count of two or three organizing bloggers. I haven’t looked at any since.

All about YOU: Tell us something about you, the real YOU.

  1. What do you like to do other than blogging?
    Be a beach bum.
  2. Where do you reside?
    Trinidad and Tobago.
  3. Are you an indoor or outdoor person?
    I can be both depending on what my spirit needs.
  4. Do you still work, and if so, what is your trade/profession?
    I’m an administrator who is currently job hunting.
  5. Or are you retired? If so, what do you do besides blogging?
    When I turned 40 and decided to leave the institution I’d been with for over 19 years, I jokingly told people that I’d retired, not resigned. Alas, I do not yet have the luxury of retiring. I keep my skills sharp by offering advice when asked (or not). I’m also working on an essay that could morph into a PhD proposal.
  6. Do you wish to be 20-something or the age you are now and why?
    I am loving my 40s! The nostalgia of my youth hits every time I hear Alanis Morissette but wishing for the past is wishing wasted.
  7. What makes your day a good and happy one?
    Every day that I wake up is another opportunity to make the magic happen.
  8. Describe yourself in 3 words.
    Steadfast, joyful, straightforward.
  9. Share with us 3 interesting facts about yourself.
     – I’m a lifelong insomniac and light sleeper. I swear, if an ant walks across my bedroom floor, I wake up!
    – I am known to talk to myself while driving. Some of my best conversations happen in traffic.
    – I’m not afraid to be out in the forest that is my yard at night. I enjoy horror movies. Spooky stories excite me. However, should a strand of my hair unexpectedly fall on my neck, I scream and head for the hills.
  10. Do you have any other tidbits to share with us about yourself?
    As I type this, there’s a bat in my ceiling causing a ruckus. Life in the country comes with breath-taking views, fresh air, and unwelcome house guests. I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

Last but not least:

  1. Please share with us your social media links, in order for our readers to follow you!

Pinterest: Coming soon!

I know you want to do the 20 + 1 Interview Questions so I look forward to hearing from you! 

  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

8 thoughts on “Interview with Melissa L. Gonzales from “Mint Tea and Elephants””

  1. Pingback: 31 Day Blog Challenge: 20 Facts About Me – Mint Tea and Elephants
  2. Cool…A lady after my own heart I currently have squirrels residing in my eves and I really don’t want hear their courtship but it seems I must and in the morning I am treated to their antics as they play on the telephone wires and swing and dance through the banana trees and the mangoes and then resort to eating my Jackfruit for breakfast…Such is life 🙂 x


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