Meet Pamela and learn more about her and her blog through her INTERVIEW WITH PAMELA FROM “THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE” This is my life with fibromyalgia, chronic pain, chronic fatigue and invisible illness
All about your BLOG:
Tell us about you lovely BLOG.
What is the name of your blog and how did you decide on your blog name?
My blog is called There Is Always Hope and it’s based on the tattoo I have on my left arm. It’s a motto I’ve had forever, and it comes from The Lord Of The Rings.
What prompted you to start on this blogging journey?
I’ve always loved to write and I thought this would be a good way of doing it, and being able to share my writing at the same time. I wanted to be able to talk about what it’s like to live with Invisible Illness
To date, what blogging achievement/s are you most proud of?
So far, that my tiny little blog has almost reached 3000 views and that people are starting to notice it and like it. I’m getting good feedback on my posts and that excites me
How would you describe your own blogging style?
Serious with a sense of humor. I try to bring humor into what I do, but I talk about a lot of serious and sensitive subjects at the same time.
What excites you most about blogging?
Knowing the potential I have to reach people with my words and to share my life with them and the education I can bring
What platform do you use and why?
I use Wordpress as it was the easiest Blogging platform I found to use. I tried a couple of others, but couldn’t figure out how to set them up to do what I want. They all seemed complicated
What genre/topic/theme do you blog about? Do you ever deviate from that theme?
I talk about Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Invisible Illness, but I have occasionally deviated from those themes, usually for something a bit lighter. I’m starting to feature a few other people on my blogs now too.
How often do you blog per week or month?
This has been a big problem for me…I had so much to say, I was publishing posts every few days…that was way too much and I should have been doing it once a week. I’m trying to slow down my pace now so I’m posting only once or twice a week. Unless I come up with a way of posting daily with other content, I can’t keep up a daily pace.
Do you have any wisdom or tip/s regarding blogging to share with us?
Try to have several ideas going all the time so you don’t feel you’re in “posting burnout”. I’m trying to challenge myself now with posting subjects and what to write about next. It’s not burnout, but I don’t want to duplicate things and I don’t want to write about what other Chronic Pain bloggers are writing about either. I don’t ever want to look like I’m plagiarizing because two of us wrote about fitness at the same time.
Do you participate in linkup parties? How do you feel about it?
I haven’t participated in a link up party as of yet. I’m not even sure what that is, to be honest.
All about YOU:
Tell us something about you, the real YOU.
What do you like to do other than blogging?
I like to craft – I’m currently making bead hangings for the fence around our patio, just for fun.
Where do you reside?
My hubby and I live in Langford, BC, just outside of Victoria
Are you an indoor or outdoor person?
I’m an indoor person because of health issues, but I’d rather be outside, preferably on the motorcycle with my hubby or on the water!
Do you still work, and if so, what is your trade/profession?
I’m no longer working but in the past was an Administrative Specialist and a Certified Event Planner
Or are you retired? If so, what do you do besides blogging?
In addition to my crafting, I like to read, watch Netflix and do word puzzles. I also like watching the Horse Races as my daughter is a groom to thoroughbred horses at Hastings Park Race Track
Do you wish to be 20-something or the age you are now and why?
I’m happy with the age I am now. Despite all my health issues, I’m living a good life. I’ve got two great kids, three wonderful grandsons, and a very spoiled cat. I can come and go as I please, health permitting and my hubby and I are doing well after 24 years together. Why I would give this all up I have no idea! I’m 56 and look forward to the years ahead!
What makes your day a good and happy one?
One where I’ve had a good sleep, the people in my life are happy and well, and I’m not in too much pain.
Describe yourself in 3 words.
Positive, blessed, hopeful
Share with us 3 interesting facts about yourself.
I have ridden in an Airship like the Good Year Blimp
Used to sing in a Women’s Barbershop Chorus and Quartet
I hitchhiked around the United States when I was 17
Do you have any other tidbits to share with us about yourself?
I do a lot of volunteer work with a BC organization called Patient Voices Network. We help make a change to healthcare in BC when Health Care partners need the voice of the patient during their engagements. I sit on the Oversight & Advisory Committee of PVN as Co-Chair right now and I also sit as a Clinical Resource Member on the BC Emergency Physician Network.
Last but not least:
Please share with us your social media links, in order for our readers to follow you!

Interested to also participate in an Interview here on my blog? Please do not hesitate to contact me via email via the previously listed link, and considered it done! I look forward to hearing from you all.
Thank you all for the lovely comments!!! Janet, I actually sing BASS!! The lowest notes in the song…my hubby Ray jokes it’s because I’m so short, I’m closer to the bottom of the song! And yes, I do still sing, I have joined a Care Choir at one of our local Hospitals that includes Doctors, Nurses, other Healthcare Practitioners and Patient Volunteers. We sing for patients and also do public performances.
Yes, the hitchhiking was probably dangerous but way back then, no one thought twice about it. It was just another means of transportation.
Esmé, thank you for featuring me as a guest interviewee. It was a delight to be “showcased” and made to feel so special. Much love and appreciation to all of you…
Its such a delight to feature such a wonderful friend and blogger. Happy singing and blgging 🌹
Fun to read more about you, Pamela. Loved your last three facts especially because each of them would make a great blog post. Do you still sing? Tenor? And the hitchhiking: surely there are some great stories there. …
enjoyed these interview and getting to know people a bit better. Pamelia is a delight (YOU ARE!). Good questions and Lord of the Rings yeah!
Thanks for dropping in and see/learn more about our blogging friend Pamela.
Oh Pamela what an interesting adventurous person! Hitch hiking at 17 … 😲 scary. I love that you have been brave enough to get a tattoo. A coward that’s me. My Dad said once “if you were meant to display messages you’d have been a poster not my daughter.” Now he has gone I still laugh at his funny wisdom. I have been to Victoria and spent three weeks on Vancouver Island Sweet Lake. Ships that passed in the night 😇 I dont know if Esme remembers
but I too did a guest post here on my birthday. July 24 2017. Dear Esme just knows how to make us reveal. Good job Esme. And nice to meet you properly Pamela.
Hi Ellen, how can I forget your interview! Thank you for your kind words. I ❤️ These interviews as its an awesome to get to know a tad moew of our fellow blogging buddies.