1 large marrow – cut in half, deseed and wash
2.5 cups frozen mix veg
1 can cream style sweet corn
3 tsp chives
1/2 cup healthy cheese of your choice.
2 tsp black pepper
Salt to taste
2 finely chopped green chillies
Microwave the vegees for 4 mins on high power..
Once vegees are semi cooked- add tin of sweetcorn and all other ingredients. Mix well and fill the marrow.
Top with extra sprinkles of cheese.
Place in foil as in picture….when about to bake drizzle some olive or avocado oil and bake at 180 until cooked for about 30 mins…
You can open the foil and grill the top for another 10 mins until cheese is golden.
Prepared, tried and tested by: Jasmita Thakersee