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Make gratitude a part of your life

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How to make gratitude a part of your life

Have you ever had something – then had it taken away? Or maybe hoped for something and that’s not what you received? Life is full of challenges but we often take for granted those things we do have. Maybe finding out how good having a grateful frame of mind is healthy will help you to find ways to make gratitude a part of your life.

Examples of life situations

I will use some of the examples of my life and maybe it will resonate with you or maybe you have had similar experiences.

A long time ago when in my 20’s I – (with my first husband) was a young homeowner. The aim in life was to own a home. We paid fully for our home before our 30’s. We also had spent a great deal on renovations. Life wasn’t too complicated.

Then the yearning was for children. Sadly – we had a badly handicapped child. The yearning then was for a normal child. Though we bonded with our first – she was blind, deaf, had no sense of smell or taste and could not even sense well – we were told. Apparently, she was the worst case in 30 years with her brain damage.  What could we be grateful for?

With my second child – I went through a dreadful illness which subsequently caused a handicap for our second child. It was a time of a “black hole”. What could we be grateful for?

After repercussions from my illness, I went through a divorce – a lot due to my perception of life and also my first husband’s perverse attitude and moralities. We learn. But what could I be grateful for?

I met my second husband when he was going through a “belly up” experience with his Company when large Companies did not pay. It led to his Bankruptcy while we were married. We were now no longer home-owners. What could we be grateful for?

My husband has had over 150 operations due to accidents, illness, and diseases. He now has a rare (1 in 25 in the world) rare cancer. What has he to be grateful for?

Now to the present for more superficial things. We both have values of leaving a place better than what you find it and as such whether a land agent or landlord appreciates us or not – it is our “thing”. Now although we are not home-owners through circumstance we want to be investors to be happy that “they came across us renters”.  Each landlord/investor have different expectations and we have been glad to have made firm friends with a few. Often our homes have been sold for private use and we would be on the move – but other times it is not so and we can have the benefit of a long rental situation.

So – in a certain situation – we had problems with the hot water and it ended up after a plumber’s declaration (without checking the water inside) with cold to lukewarm showers and cold water that had to be heated for the kitchen dishes. This for two cold winters. I must say we have only just now moved (this week) and although many times in winter I would say cold showers are good for you I am ever so grateful for hot showers! (and we now have a bath!)

What stories of seemingly negative things can you share that can be changed to have a “gratitude” bent?

Being grateful and reasons why it is good to make gratitude a part of your life.

Being grateful comes down to your attitude it seems. There is much we could be negative about or as Abraham Lincoln said: “We’re as happy as we make up our minds to be.”  According to “31 benefits of gratitude” you have better health, deeper relationships, better productivity to more happiness. Why would we not want to incorporate gratitude into our life – no matter what happens?

How to make gratitude a part of your life

One of the things I found with using my Faith (and others who find it outside that) is being thankful no matter what may cross my path. It is not easy if life-long habits are not turned into blessing-centered thinking.

Being positive is high on the agenda:

  • How can you uplift people or be positive if they are negative?
  • There are words of wisdom that say be slow to speak and quick to listen. This helps before putting negative thoughts out there rather than grateful ones.
  • Take into account that your thoughts bring feelings – so do take them into consideration with the Gratitude mindset.
  • Incorporate quiet moments in life where you can think of things to be grateful for.
  • Remember the more you practice gratitude – it increases
  • I keep pages dedicated to Gratitude in my journal to jot things down. Consider doing so.
  • Send communication of gratitude to people  – Things that you are thankful for – that they have done or exhibited to you. A blessing if you will.
  • Increase simplicity, relaxing and time out to enjoy our natural world.

Go and see what you can do to incorporate the positivity of gratitude. It affects your health for good!

Until later!

  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

6 thoughts on “Make gratitude a part of your life”

  1. I loved your post Deborah. I am glad I could read your post through Esme Salon. You have had some hard times but you have come out of them. And you are inspiring others to look at the rosier side of life.
    For me, I am 49. I entered college at 17- for an adolescent who was bullied at college, college life was not happy- every day was a pain. I was hurt, rolled, bullied around. I believed in God but often my faith gave way when I saw and experienced things people did to me and others of my batch of students. I wondered what the purpose of my going to that college was. I passed out in 1992. In college, I was often marked out for that person who would never have boyfriends, or get married or anything else. In September 1992, I got married. Into a great ancient family. And my husband was from the same college where I studied. He knew from the first time he saw me at college( though i never could remember having seen him at college) that he felt that I needed to be protected. There were many girls of that college who wanted to get hitched with him. But we got married. The one who was insulted at that college, got the best guy in that college as her husband. It is 25 years since we married and it still is a surprise to me how we got married and now I know why I was sent to that college to study- so that my husband could find me.

    • Lovely to get an email from you Susie. Yes – it is amazing how life goes and we wonder how things will end when we became knowledgeable about what could happen. My life (as yours) has set me on a different journey compared to what I first thought. But as I read this morning – God is with you and even when trauma happens and is his “megaphone” to say he has healing in his wings. (At least as I understand it) Thanks again! Blessings your way. 🙂

  2. Hi Deborah, you have certainly had your fair share of trials in life but I’m inspired by your positive outlook. I’m also a great believer in the power of gratitude to help us find contentment in life. We can feel sorry for ourselves or we can make the best of what we have and focus on the positives no matter how small. I recently wrote a post about ‘Gratitude Walking’. Taking time to go for a walk and actually look around and focus on three things you are grateful for. Sending best wishes to you and great to connect through Esme Salon. Have a beautiful day!

    • Hi Sue – Thank you for your kind thoughts. Glad to connect. Yes, life might not always be what we expect or maybe ignorance is
      bliss too. Yes a fabulous idea to focus on things you are grateful for. My first time up in the morning I do that Even this morning
      it was my hands, my legs and my sight and other things. Would love to read your post 🙂 Deborah

    I married when I was twenty-one — with the expectation of being married to that beautiful young woman until our final days. Alas, after a year she left me. No reason given — no discussion — just a quiet and sudden departure. My nature is one that needs companionship — so I kept trying. After five failed marriages I found myself alone at the age of 67. Then I found another companion. Our relationship lasted ten years. Then she found someone she loved better.

    “That’s the way it happened every time before —
    And as sure as that old sun comes up tomorrow
    Crying time will start when you walk out that door.”
    as sung by Ray Charles

    I cried with the end of each marriage; and at the departure of my children with my second wife — and at the death of my parents, my son, and my best friend.
    And yet today, I am happy.
    At eighty-one I live alone. With my memories. Birthday cards from my daughters. Phone calls from grandchildren. Photographs.
    A library — books that I have, for years, been planning to read. Some that need to be read again. My old French horn — and for variety, a cornet. A collection of music CD’s that pleases me — classical, popular romantic tunes, country and western …
    And a developed realization that I have had — and have — a good life.

    I made music —
    I danced …
    I’ve known love —
    I romanced …
    I hunted and fished —
    I did all that I wished.
    I drove miles all alone —
    I have yet to atone.

    The lure of the highway’s
    too strong to resist …
    For each scenic byway
    seemed to quietly insist.

    So I must travel on …
    … but always alone.

    My journeys today
    Are not far away —
    From my couch here at home
    I am able to roam
    Through vistas presented,
    Since TV was invented,
    To see distant lands
    Without the demands
    Of tiresome commutes.
    This new venture suits
    My urgings to roam …
    I sit on the throne
    Of a happy old man —
    I’ll do all that I can
    To enjoy what remains,
    Ignoring the pains
    That come with the passage of time.
    Billy Mitchell …. 2018

    • HI Billy – You have had a full life and you write so lovely and poetically about it. We don’t know what life will hold – but it is
      our reaction to what happens that means so much. We can be down in the dumps or gather the sweet blessings of life and move
      on with a positive attitude. Continue to enjoy life! .. Deborah


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