Believe it or not, we have the famous Robbie Cheadle, from the Sir Chocolate book series as our Guest today sharing her story on OVercoming Food shortages in Britain during WWII
My mother was a small girl living in an English town in Suffolk during World War II. We have been writing the story of her childhood and memories and it has been such a lot of fun and a great learning experience for me. I knew the English suffered severe food shortages during WWII and there was rationing but I had no idea what this really meant until we discussed it in more detail for our book and I did my own research on this topic.
At the time that Britain entered the war, more than 50 million tons of food were being shipped in each year; approximately 60% of all food consumed by the British. During the war, particularly during the early stages before the Allies learned to counter the threat of U-boat attacks on the ships from North America carrying food, fuel, equipment and other raw materials, many British cargo ships were sunk. The estimated total number of cargo ships destroyed during WWII is 2 500.
The British government of the time solved this problem by rallying the people to grow more food themselves. All over Britain every available piece of land was dug up and turned into allotments to grow food. This included tennis courts and golf courses, parks and recreation grounds, railway embankments, seaside promenades, bomb sites and the Tower of London Moat. Many of the men who worked the land were called up to fight in the war, but the British came up with an enterprising solution to that problem too. The government embarked on a rigorous recruitment campaign for the Women’s Land Army and by 1943, 80 000 women were working in farming jobs to feed the nation.
People also started eating foods they had never eaten before such as whale meat, snoek, horse meat, offal, sheep’s head, spam, dried egg powder, pom (powdered potato), saccharine tablets and dried milk powder.
Food rationing was introduced and every adult, school child, baby, and toddler had a ration book. Families had to register with a local grocer and butcher and that was the only shop from which they could buy rationed food. Of course, not everything was rationed and people living in the countryside did have a better time of it than people living in the city. Pheasant and other game were not rationed, so if they weren’t averse to a bit of poaching, people living in rural areas could get their hands on a bit more meat.
In order to keep the nation healthy, despite the rationing, Lord Woolton, the Minister of Food and a team of nutritionists and home economists came up with a number of meatless “ration-book” recipes. One of these recipes was called Woolton Pie.
An extract from our new book, While the Buzz Bombs Fell, which describes the effects of rationing on my Mother’s family is set out below:
“Elsie had never seen a banana, orange or lemon. Dried fruit was also rationed, and Mother saved up the family’s rations for the whole year to make the cake and pudding at Christmas time.
If you described a banana to her, Elsie would not have believed that such a fruit existed. She did know about oranges as the American soldiers at the local US Army Base ate this fruit. Mother occasionally managed to buy some oranges and when this happened she would cut them in half, remove a strip of peel from around the edge, and give each child a half orange to suck. The acid peel used to burn Elsie’s mouth and lips and she would get a red mark around her mouth, but this didn’t stop her from enjoying this delicious fruit whenever possible.
One exciting afternoon, the boys came home with a whole crate of oranges that they said had fallen off the back of a truck. These were enjoyed with great relish by the family.
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Such a lovely feature, Esme and Robbie. It’s mind-boggling to have food (and water) shortages anywhere when so much wealth exists in the world. Wish there was a way to ration the money of billionaires ❤
Rationing billionaires money – that will be something different
Excellent post Robbie. I look forward to the book! Many people of the newer generations don’t know from rations. 🙂
An interesting combination Robbie, history, rationing and food. WE don’t know how lucky we are being able to eat so many yummy, diverse foods.
That’s so true, we all need to start realizing it and be thankful for what we have
Yes we are so lucky. 🙂
Thank you, Marje. They did eat some rather exotic things [by my standards] like whale meat and Woolton pie (a pastry dish made of vegetables). They also ate rabbit and other vermin. I am not a fan.
In the war time, I think people ate what was available to them
My dad used you eat rabbit by catching them and doing the necessary…. so I know what you mean. I’m not a fan either!
A previous Flemish neighbour use to breed rabbits for their own use. They just lved it, but I recall that my parents were invited once and then dear rabbit appeared to be served up. That is the only time I know of that Mom immediately complained about not feeling well and excused herself and went home. We as kids use to play with those bunnies, so I am not able to eat them.
Oh my goodness no wonder your mum excused herself!
To this day I will never forget Mons expression when she walk across the road home after this incident. Poor Mom.
Wonderful! You are making history come alive through the everyday lives of children and families.
An absolute winner Jennie!
Yes, indeed!
Thank you, Jennie.
You’re welcome, Robbie.
These days, it’s hard to imagine rationing, but what an amazing story. I love the fact that 80K women did the farming. Thanks to you and Esme for sharing.
Hi Teri Welcome to my blog and thank you for reading this amazing post. May I ask if you would be interested to also do a Guest Post with us.
I’d love to! What do you have in mind?
Terri. Wow thank you! You can do ANY post you like, i.e. a post that you would have done on your own blog. Send me an email through my contact page and we can discuss any questions you may have. I am looking forward hearing from you via email. Thank you for your interest to Guest post with us.
WWII was a very emancipating time for women, Teri. Things never went back to how they were before and women worked in factories, on farms and in the Women Royal Navel Services (WRENs).
🙂 🙂
Interesting post, Robbie, and a reminder that we should be grateful for what we have today. Thank you for sharing this post, Esme.
The pleasure is all mine, and I thank you all for reading and commenting here Eugenia. How about you also share with us a post here. Would you be interested??
Thank you for reading and commenting, Eugenia.
Lovely post Robbie. I must admit I get chills reading of things like this and knowing that people and loved ones we know suffered through this time.
Yes, that will make me think twice from now on regarding food. What about you Lynne
Absolutely !
It is rather heart wrenching to know what people endured and the huge loss of human life, Lynne. I am glad you enjoyed this post.
It would be interesting to know how much food is imported into the UK today.
Maybe you can do some research and do a Guest Post here with us. What do you think?
Thanks for reading, Tandy. According to the the world imports site, Britain imports over 50% of its foodstuffs now.
WOW, did not think the % was that high
my parents talked about rationing pretty constantly, which had it’s impacts on my mother’s approach to food in later life. In particular sell by dates were to be ignored if at all possible! Greta post Robbie
Sorry, your post got spammed, but fortunately, I found it and un-spammed it immediately. Yes, a sell-by date to me still is only a guide (by law)
My mother was also hugely impacted by rationing, Geoff. She also ignores sell by dates. I do to a point but not for weeks [grin]. Thanks for reading.
I think we all do the ignore by sell-by date (I do it as well)
Love this feature, Robbie! Nice to find you on Esme’s blog. 🙂 Sharing…
Hi Bette – Thanks for reading and sharing – Sharing is Caring
Thank you, Bette.
🙂 🙂
We take so much for granted. Resilience had to be the word for that time period. Thanks for sharing this peek into the past, Robbie. This sounds like a must read!
Jacquie – thanks for coming over and reading this post. This is a true fascinating post and getting to know more about what the previous generations had to endure during the war
It is very good for us to know our history and the hardships of war. A good incentive not to repeat our past mistakes. Thanks Jacquie.
Wish more people would have this mindset and “not repeat past mistakes”
That’s a fascinating post, Robbie. It’s was interesting to learn about Britain during those times of food rationing. Thanks to both you and Esme for the post!
Thanks Mae for your comment and how about you, would you like to also do a Guest Post for us?
I would love to and I still have your email about submitting. I’m down to wire on an April deadline for my publisher. As soon as I finish my WIP I plan to catch up on all the blogs and invitations I have missed. Thank you for asking again! 🙂
Great news, I look forward hearing from you
I am so pleased you found this interesting, Mae.
How can one find your post ‘not interesting” Robbie.
An excellent post, Robbie. It makes me want to learn more about your mother’s time in England during the war. Look forward to the book.Thanks for having Robbie here as a guest, Esme.
Hi Darlene – It’s my delight to have all you awesome people here and share your posts.
I am glad this piques your interest, Darlene. It has been a fascinating writing experience for me.
🙂 ♥
Love the history lesson, especially in the form of a personal story. <3
This is an excellent post and well received by all that read it
Thank you, Annette. I am very interested in history.
🙂 🙂
Reblogged this on Robbie's inspiration and commented:
Thank you, Esme, for having me over today to talk about rationing in Britain during WWII and my new book based on my Mother’s life as a young girl growing up in a small English town during WWII.
Thank you very much for your post and then also for sharing Robbie
Terrific post from Robbie, Esme. Hugs to you both.
Thanks Teagan. Yes we have such awesome bloggers in our midst to receive all these wonderful posts.
I am so glad you enjoyed this, Teagan. I have really enjoyed this writing project.
🙂 🙂
Such an interesting post – the book sounds great too. It’s amazing how people had to just get on with it – can’t imagine people doing so well at that today!
Reading all the comments, the following springs to mind: Cut your coat according to your cloth, and these people back then for sure did that.
After hearing from my Mom about the hardships the English people endured with fairly good will, I don’t know how our modern generations would manage either. Thank you for reading and commenting.
I think the modern generation will have a pretty hard time to cope.
Excellent Robbie… amazing what people will eat when there is no choice. My mother lived in the country and her father was the village butcher.. but apparently he was scrupulous about their own meat rations and she said they got very inventive with pies and fillings.
Hi Sally, Good to see you here as well. I know that you’re swamped with your own Smorgasbord, but how about you do a Guest Post for us here as well. That will be just awesome. Let me know if you would be interested. Thanks in advance for just thinking about it.
Thank you Esme.. I would love to … perhaps in a few weeks.. hugs xx
That will be awesome Sally, just drop me a note when you’re ready.
Thank you Esme..
I look forward hearing from you Sally
Thanks Esme
Thank you so much Sally. I don’t think my mom’s father was as scrupulous. They had plenty of milk, cheese and butter.
Was meant to be wasn’t.
♥ ♥ you have a winner post Robbie
Oh I love tales from the war, and knowing there is an element of family history in this, is fascinating!I can;t imagine how people coped during rationing, but needs must, eh!
Thanks Esme, for having Robbie over!!!
Thanks for your note Ritu. I am the honored and lucky one to have all you awesome bloggers share your Guest Posts here. Let me know when you can do another one for us. Thanks and have a great day
Now the WIP is more or less done, first draft wise, I may just have time on my hands Esme!!
I love the sound of this message Ritu. Just let me know when you’re ready.
Thank you, Ritu. I think rationing must have been awful but the people actually responded with fairly good will. I sometimes wish a new animal would be invented I get so bored with meal planning.
Robbie, have you tried animals other than the regular pork, beef and lamb??
Lol! A Robbie special creature so cooking could be more interesting!
What about crocodile, rabbit, deer. Have any tried that before?
I am not a big meat eater, Esme. Just think of the poor critters. I do like lots of veggie dishes though.
I like my meat, but tend to eat more veggies lately.