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Protein Shake

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For those who exercise quite hard and take or think you should take protein drinks then how about making your own?

Protein Shake

I know many people who exercise who take these
So I thought I would do a little research and make my own
Cost-wise it is a no-brainer against the cost of most Protein powders I made one today and it was nice. It tasted good, my son was my guinea pig/taste tester and has been a protein drink customer in the past and it got the thumbs up from him.
The protein shake is 3/4 cup of liquid and 1/3 cup of your main protein

Almond milk, Coconut milk or water or Soya milk… It is important to get the right balance not what liquid you choose.

Greek yogurt, Silken tofu, nut butter i.e raw cashews (which) require soaking overnight to soften.

Extra proteins:-
Chia seeds, hemp hearts, ground flax, or whole oats.

Today I made a Raspberry Protein shake and for an extra boost could have used chia seeds.

Raspberry Protein shake.
3/4 cup of coconut water
1/3 cup of Greek yogurt
1/2 cup of frozen raspberries
1/2 medium beetroot(raw) peeled and diced.
1 tbsp honey (optional)
1 tbsp chia seeds (optional)

Let’s, Blitz!

Measure all the ingredients into your blender and blitz away.
The color was an amazing, beautiful color and it tasted very nice not too sweet and I did add honey.
Having never had a protein drink, so I do not know what they taste like, although I have listened to others who say well they don’t taste great although I drink them anyway,  really!
I like to drink something which tastes pleasant. Enjoy!

Prepared, tried, and tested Carol Taylor

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