570g store bought white bread dough (dough for one bread)
400g Philadelphia cream cheese (± 1½ blocks)
8 spring onions
1 large heaped teaspoon marmite (vegemite will also work) – You can use more if you prefer a stronger marmite taste. I only used 1 heaped spoon, but will add extra the next time.
300g sharp cheddar cheese – grated
Dried parsley
1 egg
If you bought the dough and its cold, let it sit out on the counter, to double in volume.
Knock down
Place on a lightly floured surface and roll out as thin as possible, but try to keep in an rectangle shape.
Place the cream cheese in a microwave container, and nuke just in order to make it spreadable.
Add the marmite, and mix thoroughly, then add the onions (finely chopped) and mix through.
Spread evenly over the dough
Sprinkle with cheese (leave enough out to add on the top)
Roll up and place with the seam down on a baking pan.
Make egg wash by whisking the egg and milk.
Paint this on the bread roll, then add the remaining cheese and paint again to make sure the cheese sticks to the dough.
Garnish with the dried parsley
Slice in thin strips, but do not cut through the bottom layer of dough.
Bake at 400F for ± 25-30 minutes and/or baked through. I left mine in the cooling oven for say 10-15 minutes extra.
Source: Made it up, as I wanted to experiment.
Prepared, tried and tested by The Recipe Hunter (Cook & Enjoy)
Notes: Next time I will use less cream cheese and more marmite. You can also bake it on a lower setting, for a little longer to ensure the center is done.
Another option would be to cut the roll into circles and they place them on their sides to bake.