Which bread has the lowest carbs?
Looking for the bread with the lowest carbs? Then, you are in the right place.
Meet our Guest: Alamin Hawlader from KITCHEN PRODUCT REVIEW
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Bread is a major part of our modern diet. Nowadays, Carbohydrate is a fact. People are dying for want of diabetes-friendly foods like bread. It is almost impossible to pass a day without having a piece of bread. Because there are a lot of people who not only eat bread but also fond of bread (I mean tasty bread 😊).
To get a clear concept of which bread has the lowest carbs? read the full article.
Here you can see which bread has the lowest carbs:
Low Carb Cloud Bread Loaf: It is one of the lowest carb bread you will ever make. Low Carb Cloud Bread Loaf contains 84 grams calories, carbohydrate 0.8 gram (it is almost 0%), protein 7.5 grams, and many more. Also, you can turn this loaf into rolls as well.
Focaccia- Style Flax Bread: This healthy, low carb, and high fiber bread are easy to make. The recipe uses flax meal instead of flout and is almost all fiber.
Thin Slim Bread: This bread comes with a variety of flavors like honey, rye, cinnamon, etc. And the best part is it contains 1 gram of carbohydrate & 50 calories per slice, basically.
Essential Baking Company Classic White Bread: This bread looks like the other white bread. And it won’t spike the blood sugar level as the regular white bread does.
Great Low Carb Bread Company: These bread are soft and flavorful in taste. It contains 1 to 3 grams of carbs after subtracting the dietary fiber. So, to control the diet these bread can serve you with good results.
La Tortilla: This low carb bread has only 3 grams of carbohydrates when you subtract the 7 grams of fiber. It is good when it is tasted and helps you to meet your goal.
Cheesy Garlic Bread: This cheesy bread contains 175 calories, 4 grams carb (including 2 grams fiber), 8 grams fat and 16 grams of protein. And the best part is it is very much delicious in taste.
If you want to know more about the recipe in detail you may visit here: Cheesy Garlic Bread Recipe.
Joseph’s Pita Bread: Every piece of it contains 130 calories, 22 grams of carbohydrates including 9 grams of fiber. This takes the total carb amount to 13 grams. And this Pita breads can be used as an alternative to traditional bread for sandwiches. The Joseph’s brand high fiver plus Pita Bread was certified to be diabetic-friendly bread by the Glycemic Research Institute in 2010.
Coconut Flour & Psyllium Flatbread: Each piece has 119 calories, 8 grams fat, 10 grams of carbohydrates including 7 grams of Dietary Fiber (net carb 3 grams).
Low Carb Bun for One: This gluten-free bun is soft and supple. This bun won’t be as delightfully bread as saying gluten-free loaf bread. But for a quick low carbohydrate option, it will rock on.
Which bread has the lowest carbs?
Purchase for Low Carb Bread:
There is low carb bread that converts to sugar much more slowly. Low carb bread typically has higher amounts of fiber so they can be healthier, too. Here is what to look for:
Carb Count
You must read the label when you are counting carbs.
- From the total carbohydrates subtract the five grams to figure out the “net carbs”
- Eat less than 9 to 10 carbohydrates per hour.
High Fiber Bread
Many low carb bread substitute fiber for some starch in the bread. This decreases both carbs and calories.
High Protein Bread
Some low carb bread is made of wheat gluten instead of whole grain. As gluten is the protein part of the wheat. Well, this type of high protein low carb bread is a good option.
Skinny Bread
Smaller, thinner bread contains less amount of carbohydrates because they usually have less of everything.
Dense or thin bread usually brings the same amount of starch as regular bread does. So, try to avoid them.
Sprouted Grains
Research shows that sprouted grain bread doesn’t cause blood sugar to increase as faster as regular bread does. These bread are famous for low carb diet all over.
Types of Bread to Avoid
Bagels and Rolls
Bagels and rolls are insidious. An individual bagel or roll can be equal 2 or 3 even 4 normal bread. Oh no!
Bagels and rolls are like to be 100% whole of grain. But, there are thin bagels with the lowest carb ingredients available in grocery stores but ensure to check the label carefully.
Sweet Bread
Never! Avoid any kind of bread that has sugar. Because this bread doesn’t belong on a low carb diet. There is a rule “Avoid the bread where one of the ingredients are honey, sugar, molasses or fructose.
Soft Bread
Soft bread generally made of white or ground flour that turns sugar level very quickly. Try to avoid soft bread otherwise, your diet could be ruined.
Alternative Grain Bread
Alternative grain bread is higher in carbohydrates than wheat-based bread (which are generally higher in protein)
So, next time when you are going to buy or making bread, ensure that which bread has the lowest carbs and which one you are about to buy or bake
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A very interesting post i shall pin this so I don’t loose it. Thank you.
Thank you Ellen. Glad you like it.