My name is Esmé.
If you wish to find out more, please pop over and read all About me and my humble blog, EsmeSalon
My Motto: Share, Care & Inspire and Promoting
I invite you to also join, follow, participate, share and inspire us
You can find me @
FB Recipe Group: The Recipe Hunter Facebook Group
FB Page: @ShareCareAndInspire
Facebook Group Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers
Twitter EsmeSalon
Twitter @SundayMeetGreet
can I offer you on this blog?
- Recipes – I specialize in truly tried and tested home-made recipes from around the world, made in our very own kitchens.
- I invite you to take a look at the following
Guest Blogger
Senior Salon
20 + 1 Interview Questions
The Blog-aholic Award
Carol Cooks!
This is – Love doing “Life” business
and sincerely hope and wish that you will participate in all the different platforms.
Wish to chat, or should you need any more information, please drop me an email via the form at the bottom of this post
can you visit, link up and interact with EsmeSalon
did I start this blog?
I love to share my passion to cook, bake and experiment in the kitchen.
This is my way of relaxing after a long and hard week in the office, and if you wish to call it my ‘retail therapy’, so please join me on this day to day journey, which I just ♥
If you love to cook, you will love this blog, and everyone is welcome to share and ‘hunt’ for recipes as well as stories from many wonderful fellow bloggers which they so graciously share with us.
Then I love to be true to my Motto: Share, Care & Inspire and Promoting
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Love your new blog and your kind , caring nature :)Enjoy your weekend 🙂 x
Mwah – thank you so much for your kind words my friend
You are most welcome 🙂
Your blog is a bunch of happiness. Congrats for the new look.
Thanks dear
Your blog is a bunch of happiness. Great to know you. Loving the new look.
Mwah – thank you so much for your kind words. You make my year, as still have so much issues to work through.
Thank you Esme. Best wishes.
It is nice to know you Esme. I love the new look of your site.
Thank you Thelma for your kind words.
Love the updated look of your website, Esme! 🙂
Thanks Lise. It means a lot to me.
Thank you for following my blog! I’m looking forward to perusing yours. I love cooking and baking and am thrilled to find another fellow lover of food preparation!
I’m looking forward to trying many of your recipes!
Thank you very much. Glad to meet you Robbye and welcome to my kitchen. Take care and I hope you find some interesting stuff here when you visit. If you ever feel and want to Guest Post with me, just drop me a note and I will be more than happy to share your post on my blog.
You are welcome and thank you for the invitation to guest post!!
I am sure I’ll find lots of interesting things!
Looking forward to your Guest Post. How about you participate on our weekly Sunday Meet and Greet. Today’s link:
I saw this too late to get in on it today. However, I’ll try to remember to join next week! Thank you!!
It’s still Sunday here with me, so feel free to submit your link
I’m sorry I missed it, perhaps I’ll catch it this Sunday!
Thank you for the invitation!
If possible, it will be great to see you on Sunday
Come and join us in our SundayMeetGreet so hop over to this post and please Share your pinterest info with us. This is a great way to get to and follow other boards.
Thanks for the invitation, I’ll try and visit this weekend. I try to avoid the computer on weekends because I’m on it so much during the week!! I don’t always manage to stay off though!!
Have a great week!
Thanks, same to you Robbye
http://crystalsphotobloggingsite nominates you for the Liebster award
Oh my hat Crystal. What a start to the new year. Thank you sp much for this honor. I accept and promise to get this soon. Tomorrow we have the launch of the Sunday Meet and Greet so I will be busy with that but will limk back to you once I get this one done. Thanks again. See you tomorrow
When you get the chance to post. Happy new year. You deserve it
Mwah – Thanks again for your kind words.
No problem. you deserve them
Hi. Tried to open your link but its not working. 😢. Please check it and provide me the full link.
Whoops. Try http://crystalsphotobloggingsite.wordpress.com that should work. Let me know if it works.
Thanks, yes I managed to get to your site. Maybe you should check any others if they have the correct link. Thanks again for the honor and nomination
I did. thankfully I caught it in time and realized what I did sorry once again
All good. 👍
Just a reminder of the Sunday Meet Greet. You still have time to submit a link to a post.
The link I want to add for this week is: https://daisymae2017.wordpress.com/2018/01/02/my-interview-and-daisy-maes-story-a-referral-post/
Let me know if this works.
Thanks for particating. Tweeted.
thanks. I chose this because despite it being a referral post it’s about Daisy Mae and I.
See you again next Sunday – Please mark your Calendar for every week
will do my friend. I enjoy these meet and greets. you are a nice person. I’ll sure try to make your blog again on Sunday .
Thanks Crystal, I do appreciate that. Please share this idea with your members and have them participate on a weekly basis
OK. I’ll make sure to get a short post out before Sunday.
Thanks you’re a star Crystal, I do appreciate it very much
thanks you are too
I put the post link in your comment section
thanks for the reminder.
Remember to visit at least 3 others and share their links.
A very tasty and happy Christmas to you Esme. Keep up the wonderful work on your blog. 🙂 xx
Thank you so much. Merry Christmas to you and yours. 🌲🍾
🙂 xxx
♥ ♥
Hi Esme….thank you for your wonderful guest post on my blog…..here it is…..:)……https://mydailyjournalonline.com/ess-gf-bread-butter-pudding-guest-post-esme-slabs-recipehunter/ ….. lovely to host you.
Anindya thank you so much for your kindness and WOW I am stunned that you already have it up and going. Now its your turn to let me do a post for you. I do not have the same system as you, but feel free to email me at co**********@sh**.ca and I will provide you with the layout of my system to Guest post. Thank you once again.
Sure…will do. ..give me sometime to come up with another post…I will let u know..
Awesome – no rush – I am looking forward to it whenever you can
Anindya quick question – Do you have a reblog feature, as I would love to press it or reblog to my site. Thanks again and for your time
No you cannot reblog it from a self hosted site….you can post it on your blog with a link to my post.
Perfect will do that tonight and thank you for clarification.
Esme, A very creative site. Please feel free to post at the Senior Salon on Mondays. I know the other regulars would give you a warm welcome.
Hi Bernadette, WOW thank you so much for this invite, I am gobsmacked and would love to participate there. Please may I ask for a link to Senior Salon. If you prefer, email me at co**********@sh**.ca then we can chat as I also have some ideas I would like to discuss with you. Looking forward to connecting and sharing. Thank you again.
Looking forward to diving into your site, I love to cook but have been in a recipe “funk” lately.
Thanks, hope you find something you like to try out, any feedback welcome.
Your blog is a joy Esme! I love your passion for cooking and hunting down those recipes.
Mwah – thank you so very much for these kind words Debbie – Cook & Enjoy
are the first person I’ve come acrossed that feels as I do about baking, that it’s relaxing! Looking forward to learning more from you!
Mwah – thanks, you will find me in the kitchen when I am totally stressed out and need to get myself back in line. Please share with us some of your recipes.. Would you like to do a Guest post here with TRH????
Oh WOW, I am so humbled by your kind words and thinking of me for this award. I will to try get to this asap.
Nominated you for the Blue tag Award and the Liebster Award. Just get the post out when you can.
Hi Crystal – WOW – Thank you so much for thinking and nominating me for the Blue Tag and Liebster Award. I have been away for 2 weeks and now trying to do catchup. I will do my best to get this done as soon as possible.
With the awards just put the post up when you can Love your site
Thanks will do and thanks for the compliment
You are very much welcome🤗🤗
Nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award
Oh my and yet another award Crystal – I will do this one as well, hopefully soon Thanks so so much
As previously stated, just get the post out when you can🙂🤗
I nominated you for the Get To Know Me Tag
Mwah – what an awesome surprise and honor. I will take you up on this, but it will only be at the end of the month as I am leaving on vacation in 3-4 hours. I will not forget. Thanks again for thinking of me. ♥
That’s ok. Whenever you can get the post out.
Thanks I have made a note to do it when I return. Please provide me with a link where you have your post then I can see the requirements for my post. Thanks again
The link is: https://daisymae2017.wordpress.com/2017/09/05/the-get-to-know-me-tag/
When I sent the link I’m not sure it’s right, try this link if the other link doesn’t work. https://daisymae2017.wordpress.com/2017/09/05/the-get-to-know-me-tag/ . If the previous links don’t works try the permalink which is: https://daisymae2017.wordpress.com/2017/09//05/the-get-to-know-me-tag/
Good luck. I hope one of the links works.
No problem, thanks they all work !!
good glad they work.
Great to meet you, Esme! Now off to read some of your recipe posts.
Awesome, thank you hope you like them. Also check out the Guest Posting tab and let me know if you would be interested. Looking forward to hear from you
Now there’s a post worth considering doing. Newer followers might not actually know some of what went up ages ago so a regular resume post might help that. What a cracking idea Esme.
And, as always, a very interesting read too 🙂
Gary – you’re so generous with your compliments. Thank you very much. I have had this idea for a while, and just did not know how to do it and put it in words and make it work, but then on Friday evening I just sat down and get it out there. Thanks my friend.
Just saying it like I see it! It’s such a simple and yet good idea. I guess that’s something landing pages can do too. Introduce who you are and why you blog maybe. It’s one of the things I’m pondering with my blog shake up.
Thanks again Gary 🙂
And what a great place it is too!!!
Mwah – Thanks Ritu for your kind words. ♥
It is indeed an honour to be part of and share in your team Especially. Your caring and nurturing displayed on your page brings everyone together.
Thank you for your kind words Mel, much appreciated. Take care and have an awesome weekend.
I am pleaed to know more about you Esme. I love your Sharing and Caring ethic too 🙂
Thank you Judy and also for participating in sharing and caring. 🌹 Happy weekend
I enjoyed it Esme. Happy weekend to you too 🙂
Thank you so much and may you also have a wonderful weekend.
Beautiful words from a beautiful person. Your cooking and baking, Es, is truly inspiring as well as your creativity. Being part of this fantastic group has taught me so much – giving without receiving is not everything. It’s the SHARING AND CARING. I am so proud and honoured to be part of your Admin Team. Thank you Es💖💖💖
Dear Hannah. Thank you from the depth om my heart for these kind words. It means so much to me. See you in a mere 2 weeks in person. ✈️✈️
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