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an image of a chicken with lemon and Tarragon baked and served with spinach and kale and pine nuts

Roast Chicken with Tarragon and Lemon served with Kale and Spinach

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  • Author: EsmeSalon
  • Prep Time: 20 minutes
  • Cook Time: 90 minutes
  • Total Time: 1 hour 50 minutes
  • Yield: 6 servings depending on size 1x
  • Category: Dinner
  • Method: Easy


A perfect blend of flavors that will make your taste buds dance with joy. Don’t miss out on this delicious delight, try it out today!


Units Scale


  • 2 1/23 lbs whole chicken
  • 1 fresh lemon, cut in half
  • 1 fresh clove garlic, minced or chopped finely
  • Salt and pepper
  • 2 T fresh chopped tarragon
  • 1/2 medium chopped onion

Spinach and Kale

  • 1 large bag of chopped kale
  • 1/2 bag of baby spinach
  • 3 T toasted pine nuts
  • 1 t freshly grated Parmesan cheese (I added a bit extra as we ♥ freshly grated parmesan)
  • 1 T fresh lemon juice



  1. Preheat the oven to 400F
  2. Clean, rinse, and pat the chicken dry with paper towels
  3. Squeeze ½ of the lemon over the outside of the chicken
  4. Rub the chicken with garlic, salt and pepper.
  5. Place the tarragon, onion, and the other half of the lemon inside the chicken cavity.
  6. Place in an oven-proof dish and bake for ±1-1½ hours till the juices run clear. This will depend on your oven, so keep an eye on it.
  7. In the end, you can grill it to get a nice brown-baked color.

Spinach and Kale

  1. Toss the pine nuts into a dry non-stick pan and warm over medium heat until the oils begin to release from the nuts, about 5-8 minutes, shaking the pan frequently so they don’t burn.
  2. Set aside to cool.
  3. Saute the kale in a large pan in a bit of water for ±5 minutes till wilted.
  4. Add the spinach and saute another ±5 minutes, adding a few tablespoons of water if necessary.
  5. Season with salt and pepper.
  6. Once greens are wilted, remove from heat, stir in the Parmesan and lemon juice.
  7. Serve, garnishing with a bit more Parmesan and the toasted pine nuts.


  • Serving Size: 1
  • Calories: 596
  • Sugar: 2.2 g
  • Sodium: 182.3 mg
  • Fat: 35.3 g
  • Carbohydrates: 15.4 g
  • Fiber: 5.8 g
  • Protein: 57.6 g
  • Cholesterol: 166.1 mg
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