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Useful Info About EsmeSalon

Some Useful Info About EsmeSalon

Welcome, I’m so glad you’re here, and I hope you will find some wonderful homemade tried and tested recipes from around the world to make at home.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy.  I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.  


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use and publish any content without my written permission. Please contact me.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me if I can help you.

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.  I for sure have not tested every recipe listed on the blog (you will see the names of the FB Group members listed in the notes), as I receive them from around the world shared by members at SA Tasty Recipes – Saffas Daily Recipes and then the retired The Recipe Hunter: Tried and Tested Recipes From Home Chefs

I grew up loving to bake and cook, as I watched my Mom so lovingly prepare meal after meal for the family and all our friends.

Furthermore, I have lived in Vancouver, Canada, for the past 27 years, but originally from a then small village called Somerset West, just outside of Cape Town, in South Africa.

How did this blog come about?

Over the last number of years, I have been pouring my heart and soul into my blog, first The Recipe Hunter (Cook and Enjoy), and now I have upgraded to EsmeSalon.

As already mentioned, I love baking and cooking, but more and more I have started to venture into different areas of blogging as I love to Share, Care & Inspire.

Please visit Where to get in touch with EsmeSalon via Social Media to connect on other platforms with me

6 thoughts on “Useful Info About EsmeSalon”

  1. Hi there , Esme is so Afrikaans that I thought that it must be you too . So lets rather be Engels !!
    The recipe I chose is called “Buttermilk Yeast Rusks “. Undoubtedly it’s a very good recipe : is it your favorite one ?
    I have a question as to drying them out : 6 hrs at 180°C is an expensive affair so is there an alternative method ?
    It’s gonna be fun !!
    Thanks Andrzej

    • Hi Andrzej, Yes I am Afrikaans and originally from the Cape Town area, but for the sake of the rest of our readers, I responded to you in English and I am also in Canada now for more than 25 years. The Buttermilk Yeast Rusk was submitted by a member, Christl Honiball-Aucamp from The Recipe Hunter: Tried and Tested Recipes from Home Chefs. The one I make on a regular basis: Whole Wheat Weetabix Rusks –
      I must be honest that I have not made the Buttermilk Yeast Rusks, as I prefer my rusks with no yeast. My family also prefers the Whole Wheat Weetabix Rusks so guess what, I bake what they love and enjoy! Irrespective of which you bake please keep me posted and I truly hope that you will love and enjoy it.

  2. Goeie more Mevrou Esme , Ek het u rusk resep op internet gekry en ek gaan nou dit proebeer . Die laaste keer dat ek ‘n rusk geëet het moet ongeveer 40 jaar gelede wees .Ek woon in Frankryk en vanoggeng wou ek skielik ‘n rusk saam met my koffie he. Ek sal u se of dit uitwerk of nie ! Baie dankie en totsiens Andrzej uit Jo’burg maar 45 jaar gelede .

    • Hi Andrzej, Thanks for your note and I am so happy to hear that you found my rusk recipe on the internet. May I ask which one you refer to and wish to try out? I truly hope you will enjoy it as much as we do and I baking them. About a month ago, just prior to going in for surgery, I bake 32 cups of flour (4 batches) of my standard rusk recipe (not sure if this would be the one you wish to make). Once you made the risks, please pop over to that specific recipe and leave me a rating, review and note then I will be able to see how you like it. Thanks again for connecting.

  3. Your blog’s new format is eyecatching and easy to navigate Esme. I admit I would get a little lost on the old version. This tells me exactly where to go for what. You have obviously spend countless hours making these changes and I applaud you. I find blogging can be a time and energy sapper, but when your heart is in it, it’s a labor of love. You seem to love what you are doing here. Thanks for sharing your time and talent with others.

    • Dear Aletha.
      Thank you so much for your wonderful note regarding the new home page. So happy to hear its easier to navigate and find what you’re looking for. This is confirmation of what we were trying to achieve.
      I had the vision of what I wanted and my wonderful IT person did her magic.
      Glad to have you here and thanks again.


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