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Spectacular #136 Senior Salon

Please Spread the love, Sharing is Caring!

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Please note that EsmeSalon may have a financial relationship with some of the vendors we mention in this post which means we may get compensated financially or in kind, at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase through any link in this post. Please refer to our Affiliate Disclosure and Privacy Policy should you require any additional information.

Are you ready,  for this Spectacular #136 Senior Salon?  November 2-7, 2020, 2:00 pm PST


#136 Senior Salon, please keep reading. Free course starting tomorrow, tips, teasers, and so much more


Are you ready, and chomping at the bit for the new week here at

#136 Senior Salon?

November 2 – 7, 2020



Spectacular #136 Senior Salon


It’s Free to come and join #136 Senior Salon

Thanks for your loyal support.  Please may we respectfully ask each and every participant that you keep sharing, and promoting Senior Salon on your own blog?  We do require and need your help to keep #SeniSal growing and the only way we can grow, would be for you to share your links, but also to tell your own followers to come and participate.

We have two banners you can choose from to promote Senior Salon.   Thank you for being part of this weekly feature.  

Thanks, that we can count on your support ♥

TOP 10 Senisal POSTS 

  1. WOULD YOU RATHER See Trump or Biden Win the Election? I Won’t Judge Your Answer.
  2. Celebrate The Simple
  3. Stairway To….Hope – A Return
  4. Fun Ride | My Walktober
  5. How To Make Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream
  6. A Christian Philosophy of Things
  7. I Planned To Steal Christmas, But Learned About Humility Instead
  8. Friday Finds
  9. Halloween
  10. Ghostbusters & Tinkerbell


As mentioned before, when any of my posts reach the top 10, I have stopped adding them, but after a member questioned me about it, I tried to come up with an idea how to still show it, but not let it rank and push another member out of the TOP 10, so now going forward, I will mention it below as an extra.  This week my post for Amazing Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Topping did rank, and I thank you for your support for checking it out, commenting, and sharing it.


My wins for this week 

I have installed the Rank Math SEO Plugin, and it’s awesome, but now I have to go into all my posts to make sure I have the best keyword to represent the post for the highest SEO score available out of 100.  (Just a side note:  With this post, I managed to score 90 out of 100).  Did I mention this is FREE.  Yes, they are about to launch a paid version, but the Free version will remain and it will always be FREE. 

If you do not add a keyword, then Rankmath will use your entire post topic, but that may mean you have a way lower score, so slowly I am working my way through my entire blog to make the necessary update.  It’s an incredibly tedious and laborious process but worth the time in gold.  I can see with each post, that I can up the rating by a high margin, so hopefully, my DA ranking will also benefit from this.  

While busy with this mammoth task, I also take the opportunity to do some post updates which should also be beneficial.  

What have you been up to this past week?  


Spectacular #136 Senior Salon

Congratulations to the top 10 winners: #SeniSal Roundup: Oct 26-31 2020 We encourage you all to share the Featured Winner logo on your blog or post.  You will find the code below.


#Senisal Featured Winner

Just copy and paste the entire section below and paste to your blog post while in “Text” format – not Visual

<div align="center">
<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" title="Esme Salon" target="_blank">
<img src="" alt="Sensal Banner Featured Winner" style="border: none;" />








Please share our #Senisal Banner on your blog or your post

#Senisal Weekly Banner

Just copy and paste the entire section below and paste to your blog post while in “Text” format – not Visual

<div align="center">
<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" title="Esme Salon" target="_blank">
<img src="" alt="Sensal Banner" style="border: none;" />


Please revisit last week’s Senior Salon as we received some great and wonderful posts.  The fact that the entries closed, does not mean that you are unable to visit and read, comment, and continue to show some love and share those posts.

By sharing the TOP 10, I hope this will encourage you to make a conscious effort to get your post also listed in the TOP 10 MOST POPULAR LIST.  Instead of having the top 10 most popular songs, we now feature the TOP 10 MOST POPULAR POSTS.


The doors to this Spectacular #136 Senior Salon OPENED, 
please share this POST on your SM
and share your own blog link!

November 2 – 7, 2020


Your #Senisal Hosts

Kim Davis Berry

Kim Davis Berry

Where will you be able to connect with Kim?
Twitter  Pinterest  Instagram   YouTube  Facebook Group


Esme Slabs


Esmé Slabs

Where will you be able to connect with Esme?
Facebook Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers  Facebook Group deleted – join Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers: More Visitors & Community Support( Facebook The Recipe Hunter (Cook & Enjoy)  Facebook @ShareCareAndInspire
Instagram   Pinterest
Twitter EsmeSalon  Twitter SundayMeetGreet and now also on YouTube


Kim and Esme will appreciate it should you subscribe to our Blogs.
If you subscribe to
EsmeSalon you will receive the weekly Newsletter!


Please help us to showcase your posts!  Share our #Senisal linkup with your friends!

Remember to leave a maximum of TWO post links.



Why wait another moment, please walk through the Open Salon doors
and share a maximum of 2 (TWO) posts for all to enjoy and promote.

Please remember to invite, invite, yes please invite your own
followers to also come and participate.

This is our thank you for visiting, reading, and commenting
and share a maximum of 2!

Now please share your posts and DO NOT Forget to leave us a note
as to how we can work with you to showcase your blogging journey!



It’s Free to come and join #136 Senior Salon



Tips and Resources I found very handy this past week. 


If you’re interested to know: What is a Bounce Rate and Why Does it Matter? do not hesitate to hop over and read the following article written by Neil Patel.

Bounce Rate Analytics: How to Measure, Assess, and Audit to Increase Conversions



#136 Senior Salon


Please do not forget to pin me, and also please spread the word! 📌

PS:  Please, share with us your wins for the past week in the comments.


One more item to mention:

I am so excited and wish to let you all know, that I am preparing at least 10 mini ebooks (time depending maybe even more) and lots of bonuses for you all.  

I will have them for sale at a HUGE discounted rate and for a limited time (before they will go at the full rate again).  It will be super affordable, and you can pick and choose, mix, and match from the wide selection I will have available.  I hope to keep adding more ebooks to this list as time goes on.

The more you buy the more you will save (and the more bonus items I will add to your cart at no extra cost to you. Watch this space, they will be ready soon.  Well, I have to show you this one I have already completed.

 All of the ebooks will have a minimum of 10 recipes, some even more!

Family-friendly posts, please.

  • Link directly to the post, not your homepage.
  • Following your hosts will be much appreciated.
  • Visit other participants, read what they created, and leave a meaningful comment and please share

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

6 thoughts on “Spectacular #136 Senior Salon”

    • Hi Michele. Well done with your post. I am so glad that you’re in the TOP 10 this week. If possible please will you be so kind as to share and spread the news to your followers, as this will increase your reach as well as that of others should we get more bloggers to come and share and participate weekly. Thanks again and keep sharing.

  1. Thanks for the tip about the plug-in. I used to have the free WordPress blog, in which I was not allowed to add any of my own plug-ins. Now I have the lowest paid version, and I need to see what that allows me to do. This sounds like a good one.


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