This BBQ salmon is so easy to prepare and goes perfectly with spaghetti squash, it’s super easy and oh-so-delicious.
All in all this meal only took us ± 20 minutes to prepare from prepping to sitting down to an enjoyable meal.
Fresh farmed salmon
Spaghetti Squash
Freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Top and tail the spaghetti squash and cut lengthwise in half and deseed
Place face down in a microwave glass dish
Pour ± 50ml water into the dish and cover it with cling wrap.
Pierce 6-9 holes and microwave on high for 12 minutes or you can pierce the skin easily with a sharp knife.
Let it cool for 15 minutes
Scrape the flesh with a fork to resemble spaghetti.
Dot with real butter and top with parmesan cheese. As you can see we ♥ parmesan.
Mix through and return to microwave for 1 to a maximum of 2 minutes, to melt and reheat.
In the meantime, BBQ the salmon on the grill.
We love it plain and simple and only added some salt.
Be careful, do not grill and ‘overcook’ it, or it will be dry and tasteless.
Dish up and be prepared to enjoy an incredibly quick and easy, but moreish feast!

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