Do you love this traditional Indian sweet, Chana Magaj as I do?
- ¼ cup milk.
- 500g chana flour.
- 2 tsp elachi powder.
- 200g almonds.
- 454g ghee.
- 500ml icing sugar.
- 250ml Klim
- Coloured chopped almonds for decorative purposes.

Place 2 tsp ghee and the milk in a pot.
Bring to a boil and remove from heat.
Place the chana flour in a bowl and pour the hot milk mixture into the flour.
Using a spoon mix together until the mixture becomes crumbly.
Put the pot back on the stove and add the remaining ghee.
Once the ghee starts to boil add the chana flour mixture to the pot and stir.
Allow boiling for 30 minutes on medium heat, stirring continuously to prevent the mixture from sticking to the pan.
The mixture will bowl up and become thickish the longer it boils.
Remove from the heat and add the chopped almonds, stir and allow to cool until completely cold.
Once cold, add the Klim, elatchi powder, and icing sugar.
Using a spoon, mix until everything is well combined.
Pour into a square container that has been greased or lined with wax paper.
Use an offset spatula and evenly spread the mixture.
Decorate with the colored almonds and gentle press down so that the nuts can stick.
Pop into the fridge to set for about 4 hours or overnight.
Prepared, tried, and tested by: Bobby Swanson
Another thank you for sharing
thanks thanks