All the delicious flavors of a whole stuffed chicken without any of the fuss, now called Chicken with un-stuffing with fresh chicken!
3 large carrots, diced
3 stalks of celery, diced
1 medium onion, diced
Lots of garlic, finely diced
About a dozen mushrooms, quartered
1 box stuffing mix (dry crumbs and spices)
Seasoning to taste (I used a healing spoon of Bovril and some pepper only)
Enough chicken for your family, seasoned with salt and pepper
Preheat oven to 375°F.
Add all the chopped vegetables to a baking dish.
Mix in the stuffing mix and seasonings with enough hot water (or use white wine if you have it) to create wet crumbs, but not make the whole thing soggy: probably about a cup.
Place seasoned chicken on the vegetables and push them in slightly.
Bake uncovered until the stuffing is tender and chicken is cooked through.
The timing will depend on the cut of chicken you used.
I only had drumsticks, so it took under an hour.
Serve with rice or baked potatoes and something fresh on the side.
Prepared, tried, and tested by Corlea Smit
Chickens by the dozens so you can have a choice of which you will try this time