Our Classic Chicken Cordon Bleu Valentine’s dinner – Enjoyed by my family.
- 6 x Chicken breast fillets washed and dried.
- Butterfly and cut down the middle.
- Between 2 pieces of cling wrap pound your fillets to equal thickness.
- Season with salt and black pepper and a sprinkle of garlic & herb seasoning.
- Place a piece of smoked hickory ham and 2 slices of Swiss gruyere cheese on 1 of the fillets (I could not get gruyere so I used Edam white cheese slices by Lancewood) and top with the second half of the chicken fillet.
- Insert (4) toothpicks to secure.
- Continue until all your fillets are filled.
- Place in fridge for 30 minutes on a tray.
Continue as follows
- Using 3 mixing bowls: one for eggs, one for flour, and one for breadcrumbs
- Whisk 2 large eggs with a little milk in a bowl #1
- 1 cup flour for bowl #2
- In bowl #3 add 2 cups of breadcrumbs
- Dip fillets into flour, then dip in egg then coat in breadcrumbs.
- Fry in a large saucepan in sunflower/canola oil on medium heat.
- Fry for 5 to 6 minutes per side. Drain on a wire rack with paper towels.
Mushroom Savoury Rice
- Cook 1 cup of rice according to packet instructions. Set aside.
- In a large saucepan add 5 rashers of chopped bacon together with 1 tbsp olive oil.
- Cook until crispy then remove to a bowl.
- Using the same saucepan add ½ chopped onion and 1 tsp minced garlic, and add 1/2 of each chopped green, red, and yellow pepper.
- Cook until tender then add a chopped tray of mushrooms.
- Add seasoning: salt, sprinkle of paprika, ½ tsp sweet basil, black pepper, and a sprinkle of garlic and herb seasoning.
- Add 2 chopped tomatoes (skin removed) and continue cooking until all liquid has evaporated.
- Add bacon back to the pan.
- Mix all ingredients into cooked rice. Garnish with chopped chives or parsley. Enjoy??
Happy Valentine’s Day all. Hope you are enjoying your evening so far, Our Valentine’s dinner was Classic Chicken Cordon Bleu with mushroom savory rice and a side salad. Enjoyed being with my family.
Prepared by Gail and it’s her own recipe creation
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