Today we have Brigid sharing with us a traditional Scottish steam pudding.
Please visit and follow her @ Watching the Daisies and then read about her book

Clootie dumpling is a traditional Scottish steam pudding, usually eaten around Christmas or New Year (Hogmanay). The term Clootie comes from the Scottish word cloot (clothe) which encases the dumpling while it is cooking.
An old pillowcase was often used as the cloot. I cut an old but clean pillowcase along two sides for the occasion!
500g plain flour
500g mixed dried fruit (I used a mix of added mixed peel)
A handful of chopped glace cherries (optional)
3 tsp of baking powder
3 eggs
200g treacle
2 tsp cinnamon powder
2tsp ginger powder
2tsp clove powder
100g coconut oil
A little milk to bind.
Add all dry ingredients to a large baking bowl
Add beaten eggs and mix gently
Melt coconut oil slowly in a saucepan, then add the treacle and a couple of tablespoons of milk
Add melted ingredients to bowl
Add extra milk if needed.
Take a large thick-bottomed saucepan and fill half ways with boiling water.
Place a heatproof plate in the bottom of the saucepan to prevent your cloot from burning.
Prepare cloot by spreading it out on a large flat surface, and dusting with a thin layer of flour.

Tip your dumpling mixture onto the cloot and tie with string, allowing a little room for expansion.
Place the cloot into the pot, and adjust the top to prevent it from touching the cooker surface.
Cook for 3 hours, keeping water topped up on a regular basis (around 4-5 times)

Lift cloot from pot and place on a large plate for 5 minutes to cool.
Gently peel cloot away from the top half of the dumpling, and tip upside down onto another large plate to complete the process.
The dumpling can be served warm with custard or cream.
However, an old Scottish tradition is to fry dumpling slices with a little bacon, topped off with a runny fried egg for a hearty breakfast.
Simply delicious!
My links are:
Twitter: @watchingthedai1
Despite my Anglo Australian background I have never heard of a clootie. I am wondering how it differs from a plum pudding….a question for Sue.Thanks for sharing Esme. The diversity of these posts is interesting and I’m getting hungry reading them! Louise
Yes, that’s why I just love all these Guest posting done by fellow bloggers. So much to learn from all of you. Thanks for your note here Louise
Thank you, try it
I must!
Thank you. It is very tasty.
Nice one Brigid it sounds very nice lots of spices and fruit …I like the sound of it fried with bacon and an egg..just yummy 🙂 How far up the cloot does the water go?
Carol, Brigid will be the only one to be able to answer your question, so I will leave it up to her.
Thank you she has Esme x
Awesome, saw her comment and seems like you have made something similar. Enjoy
Hi Carol. I like it best fried. I usually keep it topped up to near the top of the cloot. Keep topping it up with boiling water.
Thank you, Brigid it sounds very much like the English spotted dick which you cook like that but it is very heavy as it has suet added and our taste has changed and last time I made it it was just too heavy and claggy but yours hasn’t so I am hoping it is somewhat lighter in texture 🙂
I hope you find it to your liking Carol. I replaced suet with coconut oil as I prefer it being almost vegetarian. 🌼
Love it when people modify a recipe to their own liking and preference. Well done.
Thank you Esme. I am always tweaking recipes 😊
That’s they way to go
I have never heard of a clootie dumpling, but it looks delicious! 😊
That’s why I love all these awesome Guest Posting, I learn new things all the time.
Thank you Karalee. It is very tasty and the black treacle is very nutritious.
Brigid… how could you do this to me I could eat the whole thing right now and I’m still stuffed from my dinner!!!! Clootie here I come! Pxxx
Hi Paul, Thank you so much for your visit and taking the time to leave us a comment on this awesome post. Hope you ill try it out.
I am not much of a baker but I think this one might just tempt me…. who am I kidding? Yes ! Yes I will! Px
It is perfect for snowie weather Paul. I made this one at Christmas but I may make on for Patricks Day. 😊
Wow, I’d never heard of this pudding. Thanks for sharing Brigid! 🙂
Yes, this is a new one for me as well. Never too old to learn new stuff, that’s why I just ♥ Guest Posting and blogging
Absolutely Esme! <3
It is a Scottish tradition originally Debby but a lot of people in Ireland make it too.
It’s a multi-cultural world. 🙂
A big multi-cultural global city Debby
Sure is Esme. 🙂 xx
Yum! I am not much of a cook, but my Scottish ancestry seemed to respond to your description and photos, and I find myself salivating as I type this comment… Thank you for sharing!
Hi Will. Thank you so much for stopping by and dropping us a note. Hope you enjoyed your visit here and did some browsing around
Today I have time to do some browsing!!! And I just ate lunch; so that may help with my Pavlovian response to your recipes…
Thank you. I have been making this for a long time in both Scotland and here in Ireland.
A well received new recipe. Thanks
Thanks so much for sharing
Terrific recipe, and topped with a fried egg indeed!
A fried egg on top?? Very interesting
It is a great fried John.
Yummy scrummy and exactly what is needed in this extra cold snap we are having!
Enjoy it, seems like all of us have or just had a cold spell of weather. We had some late snow last week, and rather a lot by our standards.
Thank you Fiona. Yes it was posted in perfect weather conditions 😉
Many thanks for sharing Esme. It is a day for eating dumpling as we have late snow showers. 🌼
Hi Bridig – We also had late snow showers last week, now all gone already, but I agree this will be a treat to end off your evening meal. Thanks for sharing. Please feel free to respond here to all comments and share on all your social media outlets. Thanks again for participating.
Will do Esme. Thanks again 😊
I like to fry clootie dumpling – it’s one of those things just as good the next day!
Thanks for popping in Perditas – hope you will enjoy this treat.
Lovely. It is good fried. 🌼