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Clootie Dumpling

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Today we have Brigid sharing with us a traditional Scottish steam pudding.

Please visit and follow her @ Watching the Daisies and then read about her book


Clootie dumpling is a traditional Scottish steam pudding, usually eaten around Christmas or New Year (Hogmanay). The term Clootie comes from the Scottish word cloot (clothe) which encases the dumpling while it is cooking.

An old pillowcase was often used as the cloot. I cut an old but clean pillowcase along two sides for the occasion!

500g plain flour
500g mixed dried fruit (I used a mix of added mixed peel)
A handful of chopped glace cherries (optional)
3 tsp of baking powder
3 eggs
200g treacle
2 tsp cinnamon powder
2tsp ginger powder
2tsp clove powder
100g coconut oil
A little milk to bind.

Add all dry ingredients to a large baking bowl
Add beaten eggs and mix gently
Melt coconut oil slowly in a saucepan, then add the treacle and a couple of tablespoons of milk
Add melted ingredients to bowl
Add extra milk if needed.
Take a large thick-bottomed saucepan and fill half ways with boiling water.
Place a heatproof plate in the bottom of the saucepan to prevent your cloot from burning.
Prepare cloot by spreading it out on a large flat surface, and dusting with a thin layer of flour.

Clootie Dumpling3

Tip your dumpling mixture onto the cloot and tie with string, allowing a little room for expansion.

Clootie Dumpling4
Place the cloot into the pot, and adjust the top to prevent it from touching the cooker surface.
Cook for 3 hours, keeping water topped up on a regular basis (around 4-5 times)

Clootie Dumpling5

Lift cloot from pot and place on a large plate for 5 minutes to cool.

Clootie Dumpling7
Gently peel cloot away from the top half of the dumpling, and tip upside down onto another large plate to complete the process.

Clootie Dumpling8
The dumpling can be served warm with custard or cream.
However, an old Scottish tradition is to fry dumpling slices with a little bacon, topped off with a runny fried egg for a hearty breakfast.
Simply delicious!

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Twitter: @watchingthedai1

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I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

55 thoughts on “Clootie Dumpling”

  1. Despite my Anglo Australian background I have never heard of a clootie. I am wondering how it differs from a plum pudding….a question for Sue.Thanks for sharing Esme. The diversity of these posts is interesting and I’m getting hungry reading them! Louise

  2. Nice one Brigid it sounds very nice lots of spices and fruit …I like the sound of it fried with bacon and an egg..just yummy 🙂 How far up the cloot does the water go?

  3. Brigid… how could you do this to me I could eat the whole thing right now and I’m still stuffed from my dinner!!!! Clootie here I come! Pxxx

  4. Yum! I am not much of a cook, but my Scottish ancestry seemed to respond to your description and photos, and I find myself salivating as I type this comment… Thank you for sharing!

  5. Pingback: Clootie Dumpling | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life

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