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Do you believe in Fairies? #WordlessWednesday #Photography
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Wordless Wednesday – Allow your photo(s) to tell the story
If you wish to participate, please check out my other #WordlessWednesday posts. Link: Wordless Wednesday (Words also welcome) Feel free to leave a link to your #WordlessWednesday post in the comments; I will visit and drop a comment. Credit: All pictures used for my #WordlessWednesday #Photography posts, were taken by me or my husband.
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10 thoughts on “Do you believe in Fairies? #WordlessWednesday #Photography”
I think this mushroom is toxic. Please don´t eat.
Have a good time
I think this mushroom is toxic. Please don´t eat.
Have a good time
Hi Violetta – for sure its only to admire and not to eat. Thanks for visiting.
I like the toadstool! So many varieties! I hope a fairy comes to call. I made a fairy house one time that turned out pretty good. 🙂
Hi Barbara. Thanks for checking in and yes I hope the fairy does visit.
Yes, I believe in fairies. Great shot.
Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. ♥
Hi Sandee, Thanks for dropping in and that you enjoyed the fairies shot.
I do believe in fairies. I could not see any in your photo, but something has taken a slice of that toadstool. Whatever it was, has done it so neatly.
Hi Hugh, The fairies decided to hide from me as I got closer, as they were busy renovating the toadstool and was not dressed to the nines.
Wow autom is here
Thanks for popping in. No its Fall here at my end, this was a shot taken some time ago, but love it.