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Es’s Vegan Chocolate Poop Cake

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You may think I’m loopy, but how could Granny not make a 💩 cake when her 6-year granddaughter asked for one for her birthday?

Dry Ingredients:
2½ Cups All Purpose Flour
2½ Cups Sugar, I use berry sugar, but regular sugar will also do.
1 Cup Cocoa Powder
1 tablespoon Baking Powder
½ tablespoon Baking Soda
1 teaspoon Salt
Wet Ingredients:
2½ Cups Vegan Milk of Choice (Almond or Coconut Milk, whichever I have available in the fridge)
⅔ Cups Canola Oil
2 Tablespoons Cider Vinegar
1 Tablespoon Caramel extract (you can also use vanilla)
Preheat oven to 350F (180C).
In a large bowl whisk together all of the dry ingredients, and set aside.
In a medium bowl whisk together all of the wet ingredients.
Pour the wet ingredients into a well on the dry ingredients and mix until just combined. Don’t over mix.
Use the Gluten Free Vegan Cake Pan Release Mixture to ensure not a single crumb stick to your pan, once you flip out the cake.
This is the best ever pan release mixture available.
Once you tried it, you will never use anything different in future.
Since I found this recipe, I always, and reiterate, always have some in the fridge and NEVER use anything else.
Divide the batter into 2 x 6″ and 3 x 4″ round baking tins, and pop them in the oven.
Bake for ±30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.  This will vary depending on the size of pan used.
Bakers Note:
You may or may not use all the cake, it’s up to you how big/high you want to make your 💩 cake.  Not to worry about the pieces left over, mine never last long, as it’s delicious just as is.
I used a very thin, but strong piece of string, (you can even use an unflavored string of dental floss) to slice each circle in half, before you add some icing between the layers.
Start with a 6″, then trim 1″ off each layer till you get the desired height and correct dimensions for the 💩 cake.
Caution:  The higher you go, it will get unstable and may topple over.  I used a clean unused sushi stick and inserted it down the middle to stabilize the cake.
At the very top you may wish to add a small piece of cake, shape it with your fingers, to get the correct effect, or you may just use some icing to cover the stick.
In between each layer, spread icing and stack the layers one on top of the other.
I use vegan Betty Crocker Chocolate store-bought icing, but you can make your own from scratch, should you prefer to do so.
For this 💩 cake I had to improvise:
I made the eyes and mouth from regular white chocolate.  NOT VEGAN, but my vegan grand kiddies are aware what they are permitted to eat, so no worries about that.
Melt the chocolate in a small bowl in the microwave.
Draw the eyes and mouth on regular paper.  Cover your design with parchment paper.
Spoon the melted chocolate on parchment and then shape as per your design.
Place in fridge in order for the chocolate to harden and set.
For the “grass”, I used shredded coconut with 4-5 drops of green food coloring mixed in.
Additional 💩 decorations:
I added some chocolate macaroons – NOT VEGAN, and nuts – VEGAN.
I stuck that down on the plate with a small blob of icing.
Once done, leave cake in fridge in order for the icing to set and firm up.
I had to transport this 💩 cake, so I had to make sure that it’s cold enough and the icing will not go glossy and go soft on my way to the birthday girl.
Feel free to use your own imagination and have fun decorating.
I do not use any other recipe when I need a VEGAN CHOCOLATE CAKE, this is my standard go to recipe as it’s rich, moist and incredibly easy and above all mega yummy!  Even my non vegan family ♥ it.
I made this for our granddaughter’s 6th birthday party (for family members), and yes she asked for a 💩 cake, so how could Granny refuse.

Prepared by Esme Slabs

  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

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