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Es's Wholewheat Ciabatta Bread

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1kg Wholewheat Bread Flour + extra for sprinkling
1 Tablespoon instant Yeast
1 Tablespoon Salt
950ml Lukewarm Water
Sprinkle 2 baking trays with flour to prevent the bread from sticking or use parchment paper.
I used parchment paper and sprinkled some flour on the paper.
Place all ingredients into a large bowl and mix with a wooden spoon for about 1 minute – no more.
The dough was not runny, this may be due to the fact that I used wholewheat flour. (See Gail’s original note *****)
Paint a bit of oil on cling wrap and cover rhe dough with it and leave to rise for ±1 hour. After 1 hour divide the dough into 2 loaves.
Place the dough onto the baking trays and shape.  It can be round, long or whatever you like.
Make 2 to 3 slashes in the dough with a sharp knife, then sprinkle with extra flour.
Turn on the oven and bake in a preheated oven at 200C/400F.
Place an oven proof dish with water on the bottom rung of the oven while it is preheating. Leave the bowl of water in the oven for the duration of the baking time as this gives off steam and creates a lovely crust.
Once I shaped the dough, I placed the baking trays on top of the oven, till the oven reached temperature, to  help the dough rise again after shaping it.
(As it’s middle of winter here in Canada, I did this just to ensure that the bread is nice and fluffy and not a dense solid bread after handling it).
If you bake and your kitchen is warm enough, you may not need to add the extra heat from the warming oven.
Bake for ± 35 minutes.  The bread is ready when tapped on the bottom, and it has a hollow sound.
Now all that remains will be to enjoy a piping hot slice or two of freshly baked bread, just out of the oven, with real butter and a good cuppa coffee.   <3
Original Recipe by: Gail Haselsteiner
*****Gail’s note: Trust me just one minute don’t use the hand the dough is very runny. It should be like that.
I modified and used wholewheat flour, Prepared, tried and tested by:  Es Slabs

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I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com ">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


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