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Feriel's BBQ Grilled Chicken Fillet and Cauliflower

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10 Chicken fillet cut through in half-length wise
Spice with chicken seasoning and Peri Peri
Add Steers BBQ sauce and marinade for 60 min
Oil the griddle pan and grill the chicken for 6 to 7 minutes on each side.
Cook cauliflower on high in a microwave bag for 5 minutes.
clean griddle pan and grill cauliflower until golden brown..
Full Cream Maas (Buttermilk) Naan Bread
2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons soft unsalted butter
1 cup Full cream Maas (Buttermilk)
1/4 teaspoon dried Thyme
Rub butter into flour, salt and thyme and bind dough with maas.
Make 10 balls and roll out into long bread size.
Grill under oven griller for 2 to 3 minutes with door open and brush with garlic butter
Prepared, tried and tested by: Feriel Sonday

  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

13 thoughts on “Feriel's BBQ Grilled Chicken Fillet and Cauliflower”

    • Hamdzinski, Thanks for the compliment. These are recipes from my FB members and the name prior to the recipe name will indicate who tried and tested it. Go to my FB page and you you can join: FB page as well. The Recipe Hunter (Cook & Enjoy)

        • Yes, by all means you may as long as you do not advertise your group or have your group name on your pictures. I suggest to mark you pictures, to add your personal name on it. You will notice that many of the images used on the blog does have the member name and then I add The Recipe Hunter, Tried and Tested as well when I post it.
          May I suggest you read the pinned post as I run a rather tight ship on the FB page. Looking forward to see you there. Join up and I will approve your request immediately.

    • Please check your message inbox. Thank you for the recipes you shared on the FB group. Please may I respectfully ask that you do not use your blog “Homemadeheaven” name on your images, as this constitutes ‘advertising’ and NOT permitted on the FB group. Feel free to add your personal name “Ahmed Hesham Hamdy” on the image that I have not issue with, but as per the FB group rules NOT your blogname. I trust that you will understand and comply with our rules.

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