Here we have a freezer friendly Arabic Dough once baked and also the best dough for pizzas, subs, buns, and calzones
Ingredients to prepare your freezer-friendly Arabic dough:
- 2 cups tepid water (not warm but not boiling either)
- 4 Tbsp granulated sugar
- 1 sachet instant yeast (10g)
- 2 cups flour
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 2 Tbsp milk powder (Klim)
- Mix together with a whisk and set aside covered for 10-15 minutes.
- Note: The mixture will rise and look spongy.
Then add:
- 1/2 cup oil
- 3 cups flour (don’t add all, add 2 then add more as needed)
- 1 tsp baking powder

Mix the ingredients together with the sponge mix and knead well for about 5-10 minutes by hand.
Add more flour (approx a cup or so more will be needed- add a little at a time) until you have a soft and lovely, easy-to-handle dough.
Place the dough into a lightly oiled dish and leave to rise for approximately 30 minutes.
Shape and brush with egg and sprinkle poppy seeds or sesame allow to rise for another 10-15 minutes.
Bake at 180C for approximately 15 -20 minutes.
Remove and immediately brush with melted butter.

Prepared, tried, and tested Rashida Habib
Bread galore for every occasion.
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