Gail’s 4-Ingredient Koeksister**
2 cups cake flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tbs butter
1 cup maas**( substitute with plain yoghurt or buttermilk)
Vegetable oil for frying
Dessicated coconut ( optional )
Rub butter into dry ingredients using your fingers until ingredients resemble bread crumbs
Add maas/yoghurt/buttermilk and combine to form a soft dough
Allow dough to rest for two hours
Break off pieces of dough and roll into two long ropes then plait and fry in deep oil on medium heat.
Fry off 2 at a time. When browned remove and place on paper towels to drain
Dip Koeksister in syrup and roll in coconut
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
Stir until sugar is dissolved then boil together, add 1 stick cinnamon as it boils
**Koeksister / n. A South African plaited doughnut, deep-fried and soaked in syrup.
**maas or “Amasi” (so called in Zulu and Xhosa, and maas in Afrikaans) is the common word for fermented milk that tastes like cottage cheese or plain yoghurt in South Africa
Recipe Credit: Annie Pillay
Prepared, Tried & Tested by: Gail Haselsteiner