Start or end your day with French toast made with rich homemade challah.
3 jumbo eggs
Left over Challah cut into decent size slices
Butter / Margarine
Melt some butter / margarine in electric frying pan (I use the electric pan as its big and can get a lot done at once)
Whip eggs with a bit of milk
Cut Challah into decent size slices and dip into egg mixture and straight into the hot pan – not too hot so it’ll burn although I prefer mine more well done.
Once done, serve with whatever you fancy – as can be seen in the picture, I have mine with cinnamon sugar and my husband has his with apricot jam spread on.
Try also as an option to squeeze blue berries or banana and pecan nuts inside before dipping into the egg. Serve with syrup.
A very quick and easy Saturday night light meal. No fuss. Enjoy 👍
Prepared, tried and tested by: Hannah Frank Witt
Carol Taylor Well, Hannah made this French Toast recipe of yours this morning and it was a big hit with everyone..I cooked some blueberry’s down to make a sort of jam and used sour dough bread but it was yummy…Thank you xxx.

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🍞🍞🍞 thanks my friend
Reblogged this on Retired? No one told me! and commented:
I just fancy some eggy bread and found this recipe…I have some blueberries so into the kitchen I go …
Awesome. Thank you
Looks great, sounds great! We will try. Thx 😉 Have a wonderful week ahead. 😉 Michael
Same to you Michael – All the best
Thx. The same to you. Have a great and blessed week ahead. Michael
Reblogged this on Die Erste Eslarner Zeitung – Aus und über Eslarn, sowie die bayerisch-tschechische Region!.
Thanks for sharing