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Homemade Cured Salmon

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Homemade Cured Salmon, do you know how to cure Salmon?

I am going to show you how to cure salmon with very simple ingredients and it won’t take a long time to prepare and get ready.


1 side of salmon (skin on, pin-boned, from sustainable sources)
1 tsp of red chili
1 big spoon of Himalayan salt
Crushed black and red pepper ( optional)
200 grams raw beets
1 lemon
1 piece of Ginger
Dill flower ( optional)
1 Kiwi fruit sliced


Peel the raw beets and add salt, red chili, ginger, crushed black pepper, and Himalayan salt in the food processor and mix well.
Then, zest a lemon skin, add it to the mixture and stir until all combine.
After that, rub a little mixture onto the salmon skin, then place the salmon on a large tray, skin side down, and pat the remaining mixture all over it so that the flesh is completely covered.
You can add slices of kiwi fruit, it will give the salmon a sugar, sour taste, that works perfectly with fish in general.
After that, cover the tray tightly with clingfilm and leave it to rest in the fridge for 36 hours (approx. 1 day and 11 hrs).
Once the salmon is cured, pour the juices down the sink, peel the salmon’s skin and rub away all the remaining mixture on salmon.
You can use kitchen paper to remove all the remaining mixture from the fish.
Now let the magic begins.
To serve, use a long sharp knife to slice the salmon thinly.
Now you can see the gorgeous red color of the salmon after the curing process.
You can serve the salmon with many dishes as an appetizer or you can add to the salad.
I love hummus, that’s why I served the salmon with hummus and sprouts. I will serve it as an appetizer dish.
Hope you try it and I hope you will like it.
Prepared, tried, and tested by: Ahmed Hesham Hamdy

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  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


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