Homemade Lamingtons with Moirs Raspberry Flavoured Jelly, rich and smooth and so delectable
5 Xl eggs
1 cup sugar
100ml oil
100ml boil water
2 cups Self-raising flour
2 tsp Baking powder
Vanilla Essence OR strawberry essence

Mix all ingredients well and pour in a lined greased square baking tin
Bake for at 180C / 350F for 20 minutes or a tester comes out clean.
One packet Moirs Raspberry flavor jelly
Mix according to instructions on the jelly packet.
Let the cake cool down, cut into cubes and dip in syrupy jelly, and roll in fine coconut.
Pipe with fresh cream and garnish with sliced strawberries
Prepared, tried, and tested Feriel Sonday
We have a large variety of other Lamington recipes as well
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