Took a trip to my childhood today and made Kebab Chutney just the way my mum used to make it……differently delicious and always a hit💗
1kg mince
1 large onion
1 small bunch mint
1 egg
1 tbs ginger n garlic paste
1 tbs dhania-jeera powder
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp chili powder
Salt to taste
Mix all the ingredients together, roll in balls and bake in a greased oven tray at 200 deg cel for 20-30mins until brown.
1 small onion
1/2 tsp each of mustard
1/2 tsp jeera seed
2 sprigs curry leaves
5-10 chilies depending on your taste
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp chili powder
2 grated tomatoes
1 tsp crushed garlic
1 packet of a good quality powered tomato soup (I used Knorr)
Fry 1 small onion in very little oil with a ½tsp each of mustard and jeera seed.
Add curry leaves and 10-12 chilies depending on your taste.
Add ½tsp turmeric and 1 tsp chili powder.
Cook on low heat for +- 5 mins until spices are cooked.
Add 2 grated tomatoes, 1 tsp crushed garlic and cook on medium heat until cooked soft.
Mix a packet of a good quality tomato soup (I used Knorr) with 2 cups of cold water and add to the braised tomatoes together with ½ cup of boiling water mixed with 1 stock cube of your choice and the baked kebabs and cook on medium heat for +-15 mins.
Serve with rotis or spaghetti….Enjoy 😘
Quick and Easy Mealie Meal Roti
1 cup Ace instant porridge (original flavor-sugar free)
+- 2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
2 tbs oil
2 tbs butter
+- 2 cups freshly boiled water
Mix all the ingredients together to form a soft dough. Knead for +- 5 minutes.
Cover with a damp cloth and leave to rest for half an hour.
Divide into +- 2 dozen pieces, roll, and fry.
I didn’t use butter or oil during frying, it was soft and rich enough. Bon appetite
Prepared, tried and tested by Irene Dasari
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Once again wonderful recipes. Thank you for presenting. Have a nice last working day and a funny weekend. Michael
Thank you Michael, same to you
Thx 😉
WOW – you’re on a roll. Thank you