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Melanie's Dhal Chicken Curry

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I’m so tired of the same old chicken curry. So I was inspired by Robin Singh to make Dhal Chicken Curry which I’ve never made before. I didn’t follow his recipe, not by choice but because I balls’d it up by running between the recipe on my PC screen and the kitchen and getting distracted in between. It still turned out a winner and it’s the first time ever I made curry without using any seeds and not a drop of oil.
It truly came out fantastic despite having misgivings about it maybe being boiled chicken curry, it wasn’t. I also tried the puff pastry roti for the first time which ended my roti making phobia  I developed despite having eleventy nine recipes and tutorials 
1 tray of chicken thighs and legs
1 cup of red lentils
1 onion chopped
3 garlic cloves, chopped
Piece of ginger grated (half a forefinger size)
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 red chilies chopped
2 tsp dhania powder
2 tsp jeero powder
1 tblsp kashmiri chili powder
1 tblsp leaf masala
2 tsp salt
Wash lentils until water runs clear.
Combine lentils, onions, chili, cumin, turmeric, garlic and ginger and the water in a big, heavy pan.
Bring to a simmer, cover, leaving the lid slightly ajar, and cook on low heat for 20 minutes, or until the lentils are very tender.
Add the chicken pieces, dhania powder, jeero powder, chili powder, masala and the salt.
Mix and bring to a boil.
Cover, turn the heat to low and simmer gently for 25 to 35 minutes or until the chicken is tender.
Garnish with coriander. I could find coriander nowhere.
Preapred, tried and tested:  Melanie Kramar‎

  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


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