Using different silicon moulds brings out the creativity of this recipe.
By refrigerating it and using rectangular moulds you can make cute petits fours. By using funky moulds and freezing it you get a sorbet type texture. Flavour it with various extracts (make sure they have no added sugar) to create more fun. In this case I did strawberry flavour.
1 pouch (50g) gelatin (organic grass-fed if possible)
2 Tablespoons ice-cold water
2 cups full fat coconut milk
1 cup unsweetened almond (or cashew) milk. (Use hemp milk for nut free)
1/3 cup keto sweeter (xylitol or swerve etc)
1 tps vanilla bean paste (I use paste as it’s easier to keep paste than fresh pods, bit you can use a scraped pod if you want to)
Pinch of sea salt.
Place cold water in sauce pan, sprinkle gelatin and let stand for 1 min to soften.
Whisk in coconut and almond milk (or hemp if using), sweeter, vanilla bean paste and salt.
Stir well to combine and bring mixture to the boil and as it boils remove from heat and cool to room temperature (about 24C).
Special equipment needed are Silicon moulds.
Each well must hold at least 50ml liquid.
Place mould on baking sheet for ease of transporting.
Fill each mould until full with the mixture. lace in fridge for 2 hours and freeze at least 1 hour for easy removal if you want petits fours.
If you want sorbet freeze overnight and you get great icy sorbet texture to serve.
As stated experiment with various extracts flavours for exciting new tastes.
Just be mindful that excess extract will give a metallic after taste, so go sparingly as the taste intensifies with cooking and sitting.
I served with left over hot chocolate sauce as per the chocolate pancakes recipe.
Store covered in fridge for 5 days (if they last) or freeze up to a month.
Yields 12 servings (1 per person. They are delicious but don’t over indulge in 1 sitting).
Note! I used smaller moulds in this picture so thus two pieces made a serving.
Prepared, tried and tested by: Sean Swart