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#SeniSal Roundup: Nov 4-8, 2019

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#SeniSal Roundup: Nov 4-8, 2019


Believe In



Believe In Yourself. Your values in life determine your beliefs, about yourself and the world around you. If you have positive values, such as love, compassion, and generosity, you will believe that people in your world are deserving of these values and you will treat them accordingly.


Welcome to all the new #SeniSal members and thanks for sharing your wonderful posts.  


#SeniSal Roundup: Nov 4-8, 2019

Top 3 winners #SeniSal Roundup: Nov 4-8, 2019

  1. What To Do If You Find Any Of These 7 Scary Things In The World Of Blogging :|: Hugh
  2. Overnight Refrigerator Rise Bread Dough :|: Esme
  3. Box Set Update: The Royal Murder Mysteries Series :|: Crystal


Need more interaction?  Come and join us at

Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers Facebook group for more interaction on a day to day basis with fellow bloggers: Click on the above link or the image and let the fun begin!

SIPB Community Member Logo


We all get more exposure for our posts, meet more friends, get to know some awesome new bloggers and yes, I have said before, this is all free to you and my thank you for visiting, following, subscribing and sharing your hard work here at EsmeSalon #SeniSal.

If you have not subscribed as yet, it will be much appreciated and then you will never miss the one and only weekly newsletter which alerts you of the opening of the weekly linkup.


#SeniSal Roundup: Nov 4-8, 2019


and the rest of our entries for #SeniSal Roundup: Nov 4-8, 2019

  1. Accept the Challenge of Choosing What Matters Most
  2. Dot’s Post on Fur Kid Friday
  3. #FurkidFriday: Yappy #Halloween From Lilie The #Westie And Logan The #Cavapoo
  4. Check Your Prejudice: Don’t Miss the Bias
  5. Ugly Christmas Sweaters 
  6. Early in Agent 54’s Career 
  7. Peruvian Stuffed Potatoes (Papas Rellenas) 
  8. Reprise: My Top Ten Depression Tips 
  9. Recipes for Starting Your Day with Fresh-Baked Love 
  10. Easy Recipe Holder 
  11. 3 Holiday DIYs From Pool Noodles
  12. Fall Facebook Photos in Greece 
  13. Meteor Crater and Winslow Arizona 
  14. Peruvian Alfajores Cookies (With Dulce de Leche) 
  15. Treat Yourself to a Tippy Reserve Tea ♥ 
  16. Christmas Crafts…D.I.Y crackers, Advent Calendars…Sweet Mincemeat… 
  17. Doolin, Ireland – Arriving In County Clare And Visiting The Cliffs Of Moher 
  18. SPRITZ: the most popular Italian cocktail, so Orange that’s perfect for fall! 
  19. The Drunk Table and a Fall Vignette 
  20. Choose the best mascara for your lashes 
  21. Color analysis Light 
  22. Bonfire Night In Song 
  23. What happens around the teapot stays around the teapot ♥ 
  24. Alas…The End of the Fall Apples 
  25. Letters to the Editor 
  26. When you don’t know you’re alseep 
  27. Peruvian Chicken Stir-fry (Pollo saltado) 
  28. Beans In Tomato Sauce With Sausage (Polish-Style) 
  29. DIY Birthday Lollipop Tower 
  30. DIY I Love You Because Dry Erase Frame 
  31. October Wrap-Up 
  32. Make-Ahead Turkey Gravy and Broth – Get a Jump On Autumn Celebration Dinners 
  33. How To Create A Vision Of A Joyful Life 
  34. How to make an easy Blackboard on the wall 
  35. End of October Musings 
  36. Singing, our reflections and a first date
  37. Being creative, my novel, and writing


#SeniSal Roundup: Nov 4-8, 2019


Please remember to visit and read your fellow #SeniSal blogger posts. Please let’s help one another, and also remember to READ as many blog posts as possible and leave them a meaningful comment and also mention that you found their post at #SeniSal.   I noticed that some posts are hardly receiving any traffic or being read at all.  The more you interact, read and comment, the more you will receive in return.

Please remember to interact with at least 3 other posts so everyone has a chance to be front and center.

When you open/view another member’s blog post, leave it open for as long as possible while you read and leave your comment, but it should be at least 3 minutes or more.  Also, remember to Click-through a number of posts.

I am not sure how you can read a full post in less than 3 minutes, so it should not pose a problem!   Is that correct?????

This helps to increase a blog’s user engagement metrics/SEO. In contrast, it’s a very bad signal for SEO if a page is opened often just for a few seconds, only for a quick share and then close it again. 

The Next Linkup will start on a Monday at 02:00 am and will end the Friday at 8:00 pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time).

***When participating, you automatically provide your permission that I/or any other participant can share your link/s left here at Senior Salon on any social media outlets to showcase your post/s. 

Let’s be a happy, sharing and inspiring group of bloggers, so please visit your fellow silver bloggers, read their posts, leave them a word of encouragement, and then share on your social media or tweet the posts.

I look forward to each and every link left, and thank you in advance.

When I tweet your post I will add

so feel free to use any of these tags as well.

For more information, read all about the SeniorSalon


  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

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