Wordless Wednesday – Allow your photo(s) to tell the story
If you wish to participate, please check out my other #WordlessWednesday posts.
Link: Wordless Wednesday (Words also welcome)
Feel free to leave a link to your #WordlessWednesday post in the comments; I will visit and drop a comment.
Credit: All pictures used for my #WordlessWednesday #Photography posts, were taken by me or my husband.
Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please
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My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.
It looks lovely, Esmé, but I’m not sure you may say that having to live with so much snow. You could be in for a white Christmas. If you’ve any spare snow, send it my way, please.
Merry Christmas
Hi Hugh. We had a 20cm dump on Nov 30th and today, almost everything melted away so it’s not a problem at all. The day after the snow was a bit hectic driving-wise, but only on the backroads as the highway and main roads were cleaned up. We may, fingers crossed have a white Christmas, it will be awesome! We have only had two to three of those in the past 25 years of being here in Canada.
I hope you get a white Christmas this year, Esmé. Take care while out on those snowy, icy roads.
We can but hope and wish, and cross our fingers and toes as well for a white Christmas. Thanks, should it snow we will remain indoors but no snow in the forecast at the moment.