How to unlock and win with #150 Senior Salon
Come and share your posts at this week’s: How to unlock and win with #150 Senior Salon

Firstly: How to unlock and win with #150 Senior Salon
Never stop dreaming!
Can you believe it, we have reached the 150th week of the #SeniSal linkup shares. I wish to take this opportunity to thank each of you for your time, help, and support over the past 150 weeks! Without you all, we will not be here today to celebrate this milestone and #SeniSal will not be possible!
I could hardly believe it when I started out with this post and noticed how far we have come.
Secondly: How to unlock and win with #150 Senior Salon
We have not received any volunteers to date, but I am still hopeful that one of you will come forward and offer your services (even on a part-time basis) and get in touch with me as our wonderful co-host Kim will step down at the end of May due to other commitments.
In the interim, please support Kim as she’s an awesome co-host and supporter here at #SeniSal and I wish to thank Kim personally for all her support, encouragement and help over the past year!
Your #Senisal Co-host
Kim Davis Berry
Where will you be able to connect with Kim
Twitter Pinterest Instagram YouTube Facebook Group
Thirdly: How to unlock and win with #150 Senior Salon
TOP 10 Senisal POSTS for the week of February 8-13, 2021!
- How To Change the World Even if Your Family Disapproves
- Free Color Personality Quiz
- A Special Blogger – Sue Vincent
- Spunky Old Broads Day
- January Man
- Cute Custom Easter Decor Glowforge Laser Craft Beginner
- Book Review: Fear and Faith
- How Do You Respond To The Comments Left On Your Blog?
- #TimeToTalk Day 2021
- Black Owned Wellness Brands
Thank you for checking out my posts: South African Milk Naan as well as Warm Soft Comforting Hot Cross Buns
Yeah, we have upped the number of posts from last week and we received 30 posts shared here at #SeniSal. Let’s see if we can do better this coming week! Please share the news with your fellow bloggers, and ask them to come and participate! Thanks for your support!
Please let us grow this event so keep up the good work, and share your own posts (2 max per blogger) and also remember to interact with other members by means of reading, clicking through to other posts on the blogs, and then sharing the posts via Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or if you’re on Facebook you can share it on your own page.
Please may we respectfully ask from each and every participant that you keep sharing, and promoting Senior Salon on your own blog? We do require and need your help to keep #SeniSal growing, and the only way we can grow, would be for you to share your links, but also to tell your own followers to come and participate.
Thanks, that we can count on your support ♥
Come in, we have opened the doors to this Are you ready and chomping at the bit and How to unlock and win with #150 Senior Salon
Please share this POST on your SM and share your own blog link!
We count on your support to share, as it’s the only way we can get others to come and join us.
February 15- 20, 2021
Esmé Slabs
Where will you be able to connect with Esme
Facebook Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers: More Visitors & Community Support Facebook Group deleted – join Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers: More Visitors & Community Support(
Facebook The Recipe Hunter: Tried and Tested Recipes From Home Chefs Facebook @ShareCareAndInspire
Instagram Pinterest
Twitter EsmeSalon Twitter SundayMeetGreet
YouTube and Our Online Shop
Kim and Esme will appreciate it should you subscribe to our Blogs.
If you subscribe to EsmeSalon you will receive the weekly #SeniSal Newsletter!
You can also subscribe to EsmeSalon Recipes and in doing so you can immediately download some recipe ideas to use at home
Please help us to showcase your posts! Are you Checking out #148 Senior Salon and what’s we have in store for you this week and then do not forget to read, comment, and link up with your friends!
Conclusion: How to unlock and win with #150 Senior Salon session:
Feel free to leave a comment on this post or even email me directly and we can brainstorm and help one another in our respective journeys.
- What’s your number 1 problem when it comes to believing in yourself?
I must admit, that I am not the best person to believe in myself and my abilities! I need assurance and support and from time to time I lack confidence in myself but with all of you behind me here at #SeniSal we have done and reached this milestone which I have never thought would be possible. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and for helping me to believe in myself.
- Do you have any ideas to share here with your fellow bloggers that will be helpful to us?
All I can add here would be that we should be a community and help one another, share and promote each other and be there for our fellow bloggers. I am sure that you are all here to gain exposure and make friends and what better way to ‘unlock’ your genius work by sharing it here and get more eyeballs on your work!
Please we do need your support and continue to grow with every linkup. I am sure this can be done and we can create an awesome and welcome environment for all bloggers to Share – Care – Inspire
Come fellow #SeniSal members, this is a total win-win situation, you have nothing to lose, you can only gain by reading, commenting, and sharing your and other posts here at How to unlock and win with #150 Senior Salon
Hey, do not forget to share your 2 links at the
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my blog
Hi Christina. Thank you for coming over and being part of this weekly linkup. Please will you be so kind as to share this on your SM and with your own followers to promote it and then read posts left by others, and also share that once done and leave them a comment as this is how we build the community and grow together. Thanks in advance
Congratulations on 150 weeks of the #SeniSal linkup!
Thank you as always for being part of SeniSal Barbara
Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up with MY AMAZON SHOPPING. I’m also hosting some link parties, won’t you drop by?
Thanks as always for linking up Dee. I will check it your parties through the day