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The eagle has no fear of adversity.
We need to be like the eagle and have a
fearless spirit of a conqueror!



Linkup will Start: January 21,  2019, 02:00 am
and close January 25, 2018, 8:00 pm PT


I would like to take this opportunity to mention 3 rules
and I respectfully ask all to help us out:


You NEED to comment, share and not only drop a link and disappear.  That’s not the way we want to operate, so please take the time to comment on a minimum of THREE POSTS.  We all love to hear from our fellow bloggers, so leave them a meaningful comment.  Nice post, nice pics etc does not help, so READ the post and then share your thoughts.


We also ask that you take the time once read, to share those posts on social media.  We are all here to build a strong community and share our posts with fellow SeniorSalon members.  I am sure that we can rely on your support!


Please ONLY share a POST Link and not your blog link!
Should I find blog links in future, I will unfortunately not continue to share the newest post on the blog!

Please showcase your posts via the Blue “Add your link” button.

  1. Please, link directly to your post, and NOT your homepage.
  2. I would appreciate if you can tweet 🐦 and share those blog posts. Use any or all of the following      when 🐦-ing.
  3. When participating and leaving your post link, you automatically provide your permission that I/or any other SENIOR SALON participant may share your post link left here on any social media outlet/s to showcase your post.
  4. Should you wish to receive a notification, please subscribe to EsmeSalon, then you will always be the first to receive the email when the doors open on a Monday at 02:00 am PT!
  5. If you see your way open, please add the below banner to your blog showing you’re a proud Senior Salon Member and a weekly participant and link the banner to SeniorSalon  This is the link, as easy reference:
  6. I am sure you know how to add a banner/badge to your blog, but should you need a refresher, take you can look HERE


I look forward to each and every link left, and thank you in advance.

Senior Salon Banner


  • Make tomorrow more amazing than today!
  • Just believe in yourself and dream big.
  • Do not give up on your hopes. Take care always.


I, Esme Slabbert, am the author and creator of this site, EsmeSalon. It is unlawful to re-use any content from this blog, without my written permission. Please es**@es*******.com">contact me should you wish to discuss it further.


My goal is to provide the best homemade recipes that are healthy for all families to enjoy. I also endeavor to showcase and share other bloggers and promote them on my Blog.

12 thoughts on “#3 SENIOR SALON 2019”

  1. Hi Esmé. I’ve shared on Twitter and my Facebook page. Not sure if or when I’ll be adding something, as I have three drafts on the go and none of them is working out how I want. Fingers crossed!

    • Hello Mary – Thanks its my pleasure to host SS – Warm, its been a tad cold today, although I am not one to get cold, I think the flu, unfortunately, got hold of me so not doing do good, but that will pass as well.

  2. Esme, thank you for hosting. Sometimes I read linked posts but cannot leave a comment because the blogger uses the Google+ or Facebook or other commenting systems that one has to join. Looking forward to coming back throughout the week and checking out more links. Have a great week!

    • Hi Jean – Thank you for participating and leaving your comment. I understand, but do your best and help out and comment where possible and share as well. Much appreciated


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