#SeniSal Roundup: May 20-24, 2019
Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing, so keep smiling!☺️
As now has become the norm, herewith the #SeniSal Roundup for this week: May 20-24, 2019
A friendly reminder: When you subscribe to EsmeSalon, you will be one of the first to receive the weekly, one and only email, to remind you that your favorite weekly linky opened the SeniorSalon #Senisal doors for the week. So, why wait another moment? I am sure you do not want to be missing out for another week! You have the opportunity, right here and now, to subscribe and I will ensure that you receive the #Senisal newsletter. I also promise and give you my word of honor, that I will not spam you, will not sell your email address. It will only be used to send you the weekly newsletter and reminder!! ** We do use the double opt-in so please be on the lookout for the email and confirm your subscription.
Thank you in advance and I am looking forward to seeing you on the other side.
Welcome to all the new bloggers contributing and sharing posts for the first time. Please remember to share the weekly linkup post, we need your support.
We are so happy to meet you and hope to see more of you on a regular basis.
**For each post link you leave, please visit a minimum of 2 (two) other bloggers and leave them a comment.
How can you help us and help yourself?
I am sure that you all know me by now, Esmé, yes, that’s me, your host over at the weekly #SeniSal parties. I just love sharing, and showcasing your work and following your blogging journey!
- Please only link directly to the post, NOT your homepage.
- Hop over, take a cuppa coffee, sit back and relax and read some posts left by your fellow bloggers! **For each post link you leave, please visit a minimum of 2 (two) other bloggers and leave them a comment and let them know that you found their post at the weekly #SeniSal linkup.
- We like to inspire one another, so please I respectfully ask one and all, do not just leave link after link and not reciprocate.
- By participating and sharing your post, you automatically provide your hostess and other participants with your consent to share your images and post on any SM and also share it with a link back to your site in the weekly Friday roundup post.
- I will be extremely grateful if you will showcase our Banner on your blog and add a link back to this week’s party on the post you left. It is highly appreciated but never required!
It is not necessary or mandatory, but will be much appreciated and also a polite ‘thank you’ gesture, to follow your hostess and I can be found at the following.
TRH FB Group: The Recipe Hunter Facebook Group
BAH FB Group: Group deleted – join Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers: More Visitors & Community Support(https://www.facebook.com/groups/SharingInspiringBloggers)
SIPB FB Group: Sharing, Inspiring, Promoting Bloggers
SCI FB Page: @ShareCareAndInspire
Instagram: _esmesalon
Pinterest: EsmeSalon
Twitter: EsmeSalon
Twitter: SundayMeetGreet
This week we have the following top three winners!!
- How to help stop somebody stealing your blog posts :|: Hugh
- To Sleep, Perchance To Dream – A Revisit :|: Clive
- Quick to Hear; Slow to Speak :|: Laurie
And all the rest – Enjoy, revisit, comment and share #SeniSal Roundup: May 20-24, 2019
- A Single Momma’s story :|: Ashley
- The Culinary Alphabet: The Letter P :|: Esmé
- Using Vitamins To Help Treat Fibromyalgia :|: Pamela
- Why do I Show More Patience to My Students Than I do to My Husband? :|: Cheryl
- A River Cruise, Why Not! :|: Bree
- What Would You Change? :|: Savoring Sixty and Beyond
- Travel Review – Paso Robles Wine Country :|: Jean
- Scents that Promote Wellbeing :|: Cindy
- With Mental Illness You Won’t Get a Casserole :|: Terri
- Blissful Decay :|: Mary
- The nest may be empty but the heart isn’t :|: Glenys
- Created for love :|: Glenys
- Like a beetle on its’ back :|: Glenys
- How to restore a campaign dresser :|: Mary
- Graduation: One-Half Century Ago :|: Gael
- Message In A Bottle Solar Light :|: Chas
- All Occasion Card Box Upcycle :|: Chas
- Avoid These 4 Obstacles to Seeing the Color of Life :|: Michele
- Croatia: Stunning Plitvice Lakes and Istria Peninsula :|: Nathalie
- Worldly Sorrow or True Repentance – There is a difference and it is clear :|: Becca
- Olive Oil Apple Cake – Rishi Tea & Botanicals Giveaway :|: Jean
- The Time Has Come….. :|: Clive
- Help your family love being home :|: Glenys
- Wedding Guest Attire Idea :|: Lana
- Iconic Paris Dining With Nicholson, Keaton and Keanu! “Dinner And A Movie” From The Legendary Le Grand Colbert! “Something’s Gotta Give”! :|: John
- A couple’s vacation to Nandi hills :|: Shiju
- In the Interests of Time :|: Gael
- Silent wings :|: Glenys
- Make an easy colorful fence with dollar store flowers :|: Mary
- Sugar and spice :|: Glenys
- Bring me happiness – realistic? :|: You can always start now!
- Marriage, motherhood, home: a balancing act! :|: Glenys
- How to have a calming home :|: Glenys
- Personalizable Photo and Light Up Sign :|: Chas
Do you sport our #SeniSal banner on your blog?
SeniorSalon. For easy reference, I am also providing the full link: https://esmesalon.com/senior-salon/
The Next Linkup will start on a Monday @ 02:00 am and will end the Friday @ 8:00 pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time).
***When participating, you automatically provide your permission that I/or any other participant can share your link/s left here at Senior Salon on any social media outlets to showcase your post/s.
Let’s be a happy, sharing and inspiring group of bloggers, so please visit your fellow silver bloggers, read their posts, leave them a word of encouragement, and then share on your social media or tweet the posts.
I look forward to each and every link left, and thank you in advance.
When I tweet your post I will add
- @EsmeSalon
- @SundayMeetGreet
- #shareEScare
- Senior Salon
so feel free to use any of these tags as well.
For more information, read all about the SeniorSalon
I got the pingback for this post, but still not getting emails, Esme. 😞I’ll keep a lookout for your posts on Twitter, though.
Thanks so much for featuring my recent post about blog post thieves.
Hugh, I am stumped – I have now checked and added you myself under the subscriber list, so let me know if you now receive future emails.
Thanks, Esmé. I certainly will.
Have a great week.
Same to you Hugh
Thank you to everyone who visited both of my posts this week. I’m grateful for your support after my absence, and have enjoyed visiting other blogs again 😊
Hi Clive, so glad that you’re back and it shows how much you were missed as you’re on the podium again.
Thank you, Esmé for your kind words. Life is still not ‘normal’ yet, but it’s getting there 😊
Clive – take it one step at a time!